


Learning and life are two very important things in life. It is still difficult for us to do well in both aspects. Sometimes when we live a good life, the progress of learning may be delayed.

 If you want to study and live well at the same time, you must have a good schedule and implement it strictly. At this time, we need to cultivate our self-discipline. With self-discipline and detailed plans, we can do well in study and life at the same time.



第1个回答  2017-06-26
My school life
Hi!I'm HuBin ,a student of Class1,Grade7.At school,my teachers and
classmates arevery friendly to me.My school life is very interesting.
Class begin at 8:00 a.m.I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afernoon.I study Endlish,politices,art and so on.Chine is my favorite sudject,and I often speak Endlish with my classmates.I
allso like Endlish and math .But I don't like P.E very much .I think it's a little diffcult and boring.What about you think?本回答被网友采纳