
Fast Food
Fast food is very popular in China.Children and teenagers are crazy about eatting them.
The reasons why so many people like eatting fast food are as follows:In the first place ,it is a waste of time for us to eat fast food.It convinces of the busy ,too.Secondly,we can not only eat fast food in the restaurant but also at home.The surroundings
in the restaurant is clean and comfortable. We enjoy eatting food in it. Finally,the quantily of the fast food is good.But it is not very good for us to grow up healthily. It has little nurture inside.
Don't eat fast food every meal. Please don't lrt children eat too much fast food,too.


1.fast food 是不可数名词
2.surround是副词 不能加ing
3.It convinces of the busy ,too. 这句话有问题,convince是及物动词,后面不加of,用法不对。
4.quantily质量 拼错了,是quality
5.Finally,the quantily of the fast food is good.But it is not very good for us to grow up healthily. 既然说了品质好,怎么会对身体有害呢?应该改为Finally,the quality of the fast food is not very good and it is bad for our health。
第1个回答  2009-03-13

Fast Food
Fast food is very popular in China.Children and teenagers are crazy about them.
The reasons why so many people like eatting fast food are as follows:Firstly,it save much time for us to eat fast food.Secondly,we can not only eat fast food in the restaurant but also at home.The surroundings
in the restaurant is clean and comfortable. We enjoy eatting food in it. Thirdly,the quality of fast food is good.But it is not very good for us to grow up healthily. It has little nurture inside.
Don't eat fast food every meal. Please don't let children eat too much fast food,either.
第2个回答  2009-03-13
as follows 后面是举例人们喜欢快餐的原因.你写的好象不明不白.而且,in the first place 是第一时间的意思,你应该用firstly ,对下面secondly 对应.
最后一个原因改成the taste of fast food is good ,或 fast food is delicious ,还有nutrition你拼错了。
第3个回答  2009-03-13
It convinces of the busy convince 的 of用法貌似在这里难理解 使确信?