

Cultural invasion
"Aggression", referring to a country or nation has the purpose it has planned or acts of another nation to conquer. Therefore, the cultural invasion, we can be defined as a country or nation in its State or another nation through cultural transformation and transformation of thought and behavior to achieve the conquest. War, a country forced to change another country's education, mandatory study invasion of the country a new generation of language, cultural invasion; peace time, the developed countries monopolize the cultural market of developing countries, and to change its national customs and impede their cultural heritage, which is the cultural invasion. The purpose of the cultural invasion has no more than two kinds: one is the economic benefits from the sale of cultural products to gain huge profits; the other is the political interests, to promote their own national culture and national ideology, to support their own in the international arena " the right to speak. "
Cultural invasion is a country of another country have steps in a planned way to change the customs of the occupied people to change the culture and so on. To conquer a nation, we must conquer her culture, to conquer her culture, it is necessary to conquer the people of her, but her conquest of the people, the most effective means to conquer her children, only small changes in the children's values, dilute their sense of national identity and pride, in order to enable them to succumb to foreign cultures, so that they finally abandoned their own nation, in order to achieve the purpose of the invaders.
Foreign aggression against the Chinese nation has never stopped. During the war years, they are the instrument of aggression add aircraft artillery, at peace, their instrument is the culture of aggression. They can take advantage of all the cultural carriers, use of all can take advantage of the opportunity to vigorously implement its values, political ideas, cultural ideas, which is a "hidden" cultural aggression. And cultural and political aggression than aggression, military aggression, economic aggression of a more far-reaching harm to the country.