
1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象
2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性
3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做

As most of us become to adapt to the daily living and study of colleges, we start feeling exciting and comfortable. But beside these issues, we still need to pay much attention on our behaviors and what should we need to do and finish and obey. Late is one of those common defects of the students in the colleges. Leaving early is also a common bad phenomenon in the colleges. Last but not least, cutting is widely and happened in the colleges’ students most of time. Those are not good phenomena among the students and they will lead them to troubles and problems.
Guaranteeing the attendance of all the students in the colleges plays a very important role to the college education. A perfect attendance will affect the grades of all students greatly. Late, which is caused by the laziness, will influence the process of the teaching and the quality of it. Leaving early and the cutting almost have the same negative effects to the daily colleges education. But what’s more, the students who make a successful attempt to do such those things maybe will bring some kinds of negative factors to the schools, like some loafers and something like alcohol or drugs. And most of these negative behaviors will be like flu which can be “infected” and so as they give examples to those who ever tried to do so. It is will not only bad for the schools, but also do harm to the students.
As a college student, you must be clear and understanding what are the aims you going to pursue and things you want from the college. Think more about your future but not even now. Keeping a perfect attendance is such an important thing you have to obey. College is a place for you to learn to live better but not only living.