

  独奏 由一个演奏某一乐器(它可有伴奏或无伴奏)的形式为独奏。我国的独奏音乐悠久,早在春秋战国时就涌现著名琴曲《高山》和《流水》等。隋唐时期琵琶名手叠出,新调繁兴。过去传承的民族器乐曲,独奏往往没有严格的区分,同一首乐曲可以灵活采用独奏或重奏等不同演奏形式,如唢呐曲《小开门》、《百鸟朝凤》等既可独奏,又可采用合奏形式。解放后,独奏音乐得到了蓬勃发展,涌现了大量的各种民族乐器的独奏曲,其中有不少是经过整理改编的传统曲目,而更多的是反映现实生活的新作品。
  重奏 由两个或两个以上声部结合在一起的乐曲,它的每一个声部均由一个演奏,这种形式为重奏。传统的笙、笛重奏,笛子重奏,唢呐重奏等乐曲,其织体写法。解放后创作的重奏曲,驯化体写法丰富了,重奏的特点更强了,如:筝、高胡、扬琴三重奏《春天来了》;管子、笛、筝、打击乐四重奏《空谷流水》;丝弦五重奏《欢乐的夜晚》等。
  合奏 由众多的人演奏多个乐器声部称合奏。在我国众多乐器齐奏同一声部(同度或八度音程关系)也习称合奏。合奏的乐队采用“吹、打、弹、拉”各类乐器,色彩丰富,音响丰满。合奏的形式多样,常见的体裁有管乐合奏、弦乐合奏、打击乐合奏、丝竹乐合奏、吹打乐合奏、民族管弦乐合奏等。
  由笙、笛、管子、唢呐等管乐器合奏、常辅以打击乐器。民间淬的以嘀呐为主的管乐合奏俗称“唢呐曲”,如《百鸟朝凤》、《大合奏》、《云里摸》等;以管子为主的管乐合奏俗称“笙管乐”,如《哈哈腔》、《放驴》、《柳叶青》等。在我国西南地区少数民族的芦笙乐队纯粹是一种管乐合奏形式。许多 管乐合奏由虽然使用打击乐器,但很少出现独立的锣鼓段,打击乐只起节奏衬托作用,所以它有别于下面介绍的吹打乐合奏。
  曲管乐器和打击乐器合奏的吹的吹打乐,演奏风格粗犷,适宜在室外演奏,擅长表现热烈欢快的情绪。如苏南吹打《将军令》、浙我东锣鼓《大辕门》、山西吹打《大得胜》、山东鼓乐《普天乐》等。有不少吹打乐种的乐队组合中采用一些弦乐器,因而其演奏的音乐兼具丝竹乐的特点,如苏南吹打《满庭芳》、《下西风》;福建十番《五凤吟》;浙东锣鼓《万花灯》等。一般说来,北方的吹打乐重“吹”,唢呐、管子等乐器的技巧高。南京放牧 吹打乐重“打”,锣鼓在吹打乐中起重要的作用。吹打乐在不地区有不同的称谓,如:“鼓吹”、“鼓乐”、“吹歌”、“锣鼓”等。
第1个回答  2023-03-29

Jiangsu - Wuxi Xihui park now we will go on a tour of Wuxi city is the
most important scenic spots -- Xihui park. It is located in Wuxi City,
2.5 kilometers to the west, including Xishan and Huishan, the park
covers an
area of 6.85 square kilometers. The park was named after
hill, Western Huishan, Eastern Xishan. Huishan 329 meters
high, about 20 kilometers, known as "the first Southern Mountain" reputation. It is the Tianmu
Mountain spur, from the
mountain to mountain, there are nine peaks, twisting like a dragon,
also known as the "Jiulong Mountain". Huishan Jin Kaishan Jackson Hui
Zhao jiansi, later to be used as named "Huishan hui". Gu Shihui, Hui
word similarities, Huishan hence the name. Huishan is in spring famous,
have the world second spring, longan springs and
other dozens
of places of
interest and scenic beauty, spring Shen Jian, Huishan temple, song
stone bed, bamboo stove mountain housing dozens of. Xishan's proximity
Huishan, 75 meters high, around 1.5 kilometers long, according to
legend because of the week Qin rich tin and name. Xishan is the Huishan
East Peak Pulse off bumps small peak. The peak has a long
pagoda and the Dragon
dragon of light holes under the mountain. In 1958 the cut map lake and
Huishan into one, to form a "real mountain false water", "landscape
trees" taste. The park is divided into three areas: one is the
sightseeing places of historic interest and scenic
beauty, including the
temple, Jichang Garden, world second spring; two is the natural scenic
area, including map lake, the valley, Chunshen Jian; three is the
entertainment zone, in the south of Xishan. Please follow me to visit.
[Xishan: Dragon minaret - dragon of light holes - Wu culture Fu World]
Please enter the gates of Xishan with me. Xishan gate, facing the Grande
Canale, Qiaojiao cornices, doors median high "the Xi light" hengbian,
as when Kangxi's southern tour book. Enter the gate, a boulder standing
in the pool side, engraved on the "Xishan" of the two characters. You
see: Wuxi and Xishan under the "load moment Wuxi Jinbian county" the
words, points out the origin of the place names. Along the mountain road
up, on the top of the Xishan is the Dragon pagoda. About Dragon pagoda,
there is such a legend: the Ming Dynasty Zhengde period, Li Bu minister
Gu Dingchen of Kunshan, tour Xihui scenes and said; "Huishan is the
dragon, is the leading Xishan, Wuxi so long no one since the Southern
Dynasty, is the leading non angle." Listen to the words of
secretary of state, people for gospel truth, so future generations on
the top of the
Xishan built
a solid stone. For decades there is still
scholar, so some people proposed "dragon to the angle of listening, the
tower should be empty". Therefore, in Wanli two years (1574), built
pavilions Zhuanta octagonal seven storey, and by the time Changzhou Shi
prefect view of
China named
minaret, meaning" long
light. Since the long pagoda built, repeatedly destroyed. Rebuilt in
1924 when the culture into the reinforced concrete
structure, the casting weight 1.5
tons, 2.85 meters high copper brake, the height of the tower was also increased to
meters. In 1992 another reinforcement, correct tilt, painted by into a
dark red apricot, make Guta more upright and dignified, heroic bearing.
Xishan is at the foot of the dragon of light holes, visit the premises
for the
underground, was completed in the spring of 1979. In front
of the cave corridors, pavilions connected, entrance arch brick "hidden
Chen" word, "Chen" is the year of the dragon, "hidden Chen" is the
hidden dragon within mountains. There are more than 300 meters long
channel, on both sides of wall lights. The eastern part of the
theater, can accommodate five or
six people. There are 13 rooms, display technology, ceramics, clay figurines. The temperature here all the year round to
keep 18 "C, warm in winter and cool in
summer, visitors to
this, as if
into another
world. Along the mountain
road to the
south, previously seen is the nine dragon
It consists of a base wall, wall body, glazed tile roof is composed of
three parts, pottery firing, the granite base, Venus, green glazed tile
roof, a total length of 26.71
meters, 4.09 meters high, Kowloon
vacated, the extraordinary momentum. To the west is "Wu Fu World
culture". It is along Xishan hillside built, standing stone on the
front, the name engraved with the famous calligrapher Zhu
Qizhan wrote of
the attractions at the
of 102. The world is a stone paved the terrace, a huge stone pillars on
longevity peach front, to positive moment: "Fu anxiously asked in
Kingsland dinner; Shou Xian silently for me The sea house adds in lots."
The back is: "do good to children, to maintain the natural longevity."
Around the terrace, above two square pavilion with a double Pavilion, a
pavilion "blessing". Ting column poetic couplet wrote: "Cathay as
paradise, the multi longevity." Ting and poetic couplet by China
Calligraphers Association chairman Shen Peng writing. Visit to Xishan,
we'll go to visit the Huishan below. First went to Huishan temple ruins.
[Huishan: Huishan temple ruins - Gate - Tang stone building] Huishan
temple in Huishan, early in the northern and
Southern Dynasties, Liu
Song Situ Chang and Shi Zhanting in the construction of "Lishan
Caotang", later renamed "Huashan temple". Liang Datong three years (537
years), on this basis, the establishment of the Huishan temple. Because
of the place, and with the world second spring located in the famous
spots, so with fame
spreading far and wide. We came to
the Huishan temple in front of the entrance, saw the Yellow arch door
engraved with "Gu Hua gate" 4 golden inscription, because of Huishan
called "Huashan", the Huishan temple was the "Huashan Temple", so
Huishan head gate called "Gu Hua gate", the back engraved with the
threshold gate "resort of spring" 4 words. This gate is the 1954 Huishan
Street widening Wang Yaoting re design, the top of the arch there are
dragons decoration. Now we come to the gate, you see two old stone
building, South Building in Tang Daiqian
