

Smoking hazards Cigarette smoke (In particular, the tar) Is a carcinogen _____That is to say, It can come into contact with in the organization have cancer, So, Smokers of any part of respiratory tract (Including the mouth and throat) cancers may have occurred. 烟的烟雾(特别是其中所含的焦油)是致癌物质——就是说,它能在它所接触到 的组织中产生癌,因此,吸烟者呼吸道的任何部位(包括口腔和咽喉)都有发生癌的可能。
Nicotine can speed up heart rate, High blood pressure, May be due to cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, Seem to be able to accumulate atherogenic, And this is one of many reasons for heart disease, Smokers, When a heart attack,Their chances of death much larger than non-smokers. 尼古丁能使心跳加快,血压升高,烟草的烟雾可能是由于含一氧化碳之故,似乎能够促使动脉粥样化累积,而这种情形是造成许多心脏疾病的一个原因,大量吸烟的人,心脏病发作时,其致死的机率比不吸烟者大很多。
Most smokers prefer to swallow a certain amount of smoke, Digestive tract diseases (Especially in the esophagus and pharynx) therefore there is the risk of cancer. 大多数吸烟者喜欢将一定量的烟雾吞下,因此消化道(特别是食道及咽部)就有患癌疾的危险。
Lungs in the gas along with the fine, Hydrogen is usually outside the lung tissue were excluded from. These villi to the lungs consecutive sweep of the particles in phlegm or mucus, to discharge, Tobacco smoke
addition to cancer-causing chemicals, Will gradually undermine the number of villi, So that increased mucus secretion, Thus the occurrence of chronic lung disease, Susceptible to bronchitis. Obviously, Smokers cough, Clean as a result of the mechanical performance of the lungs by the damages, Therefore increased sputum. 肺中排列于气道上的细毛,通常会氢外来物从肺组织上排除。这些绒毛会连续将肺中的微粒扫入痰或粘液中,将其排出来,烟草烟雾中的化学物质除了会致癌,还会逐渐破坏一些绒毛,使粘液分泌增加,于是肺部发生慢性疾病,容易感染支气管炎。明显地,“吸烟者咳嗽”是由于肺部清洁的机械效能受到了损害,于是痰量增加了。
Harm to others对他人的伤害 China has 540 million people suffered the harm of passive smoking,Among them, 15 children under the age of 180 million,The number of people die each year from passive smoking more than 100,000,Awareness of the hazards of passive smoking, only 35%. 我国有5.4亿人遭受被动吸烟之害,其中15岁以下儿童有1.8亿,每年死于被动吸烟的人数超过10万,而被动吸烟危害的知晓率却只有35%。 Passive smoking to both smokers out of the mainstream smoke, but also from the cigarette, cigar or pipe directly out to the side-stream smoke. Second-hand smoke contains more than 4000 kinds of material, including more than 40 kinds of cancer-related toxic substances. In second-hand smoke, many compounds in the side-stream smoke release rate is often higher than the mainstream smoke. 二手烟既包括吸烟者吐出来的主流烟雾,也包括从纸烟、雪茄或烟斗中直接冒出
来的侧流烟。二手烟中包含4000多种物质,其中包括40多种与癌症有关的有毒物质。在二手烟中,许多化合物在侧流烟中的释放率往往高于主流烟。 World Health Organization reports that, Smoking is harmful to human multi-faceted, Major problems that lead to asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and reproductive development,etc. 世界卫生组织的报告表明,吸烟对人类的危害是多方面的,主要导致哮喘、肺炎、肺癌、高血压、心脏病和生殖发育等。 Thereinto, Second-hand smoke harm to passive smokers than active smokers do not light, especially for particularly serious crimes against children. Survey, in China, The main victims of passive smoking are women and children, Although they do not smoke themselves, but often in the family, public places, suffered second-hand smoke of others. 其中,二手烟对被动吸烟者的危害一点也不比主动吸烟者轻,特别是对少年儿童的危害尤其严重。调查显示,在我国,被动吸烟的主要受害者是妇女和儿童,尽管她们自己并不吸烟,但经常在家庭、公共场所遭受他人的二手烟。 In addition, The workplace, the venue, etc, will become the second-hand smoke are often the proliferation of places. Although cigarette smoking is not directly, but the body of incoming smoke, can cause harm to the body, and even more dangerous than the smokers. 除此之外,职场、会场等,也经常会成为二手烟泛滥的场所。虽然没有直接吸食香烟,可是呼入体内,仍能对身体造成危害,甚至比吸烟者的危害更大。

No smoking World No-Tobacco Day世界无烟日 May 31 is World No Tobacco Day, A global scale, there are a large number of epidemiological studies confirm that smoking is the primary risk factor for lung cancer. World Health Organization in November 1987 recommended that the annual April 7 as the "World No Tobacco Day" and in 1988 started. Since 1989, to an annual World No Tobacco Day of May 31. 5月31日是“世界无烟日(World No-Tobacco Day),全球范围内已有大量流行病学研究证实,吸烟是导致肺癌的首要危险因素。世界卫生组织1987年11月建议将每年的4月7日定为“世界无烟日”,并于1988年开始执行。自1989年起,世界无烟日改为每年的5月31日