侧田、欧阳靖 - rap with - 电台版 歌词


侧田、jin - rap with
唔识free style
我我我唔识free style
check it out Jin
now check it out 侧
你唔识free style 根本系无问题
记住打个电话嚟 啊,喂喂搵边位
你系问mary Justin 定系我 欧阳靖
你一听我free style 就知道我系好劲
我一路rap 就Justin一路sing oh
yo 我啲歌 career 就一路 sing
higher rehigher it's hot like a fire
when i'm on the microphone every girl desire
got the camera in my face i'm not in that space
now i'm in hongkong but i don't have a bare place
i'm staying with some friends and some relatives
but make it positive(oh baby baby Jin)
a b c系我 系我
switch up 又用广东话 继续来flow
霖返起琴日 同埋琴晚果个show
真系yo yo 点解你无go
i don't know 不如一齐食松糕
oh no jin 真是唔高 五尺六
但系 一定要flow
check it out 廿四味cool
你唔识佢 啊,我唔识you
do we what i do and been to high school
no i didn't try out hey it's really really ture
cause my style is new and your style is older
if it's don't that means it's cold
oh my name is 欧阳靖
that's Jin Ouyang
no relation to 欧阳震华but
我真想见识欧阳震华 好中意睇佢做果d剧集
you know tvb tvb call me 我个名系jin mc
mc jin I'll win we do we start and begin
i don't know 你讲天气唔识点样讲个wind
the wind is the 风
i really don't care
今日有无落雨 我唔记得带遮 无带遮 我把遮where
check check check this come on!come on!
i get to introduce you so some hongkong girls
my baby junior
let me get you some sushi
and then i'll get some ( )
and then some chinese girls
for you baby
好 好 好
我哋搵班靓女 去食通心粉 吃完通心粉 就have some fun
你have no one 你想玩someone
你想听我flow 我系 no 1
every night last night tommorrow unto night
shut-eye to my boys the 24 hours and must mine
all the cancel needs rap's at el in hongkong
all the baby girls they like the party all night long
me is just beam got love to keep it hot
you wanna talk about girls
it's just don't stop
of cause 我地食一餐
我琴晚识个靓女 佢住系铜锣湾
铜锣湾 边条街我根本就唔知
佢说 你可以搭地铁
一定搵me me me and you一齐去玩
oh gosh oh gash i'm so hot
搵埋佢一齐去尖沙嘴 我就继续嚟rap多几多句 我都唔知
因为我会继续咁样flow 我d广东话系麻麻哋
广东话进步咗好多 仲好过我
咁点算波 哎yoyo 哎yo
JIN 话比你听
我d广东话系咁 唔会快 只会慢
好咗好多 点都系 会有 会有 会有 继续进步
my flow is just like that and去打basketball
i'll with that i'll heat that three piont shut
hey you know you really felt it
love to the Lakers but love all the Southeis
妈妈 where are you
妈妈 where are you
i want to
i don't know what to do
我座系度听住 就霖起父亲节系前几日 我都挂住老豆
坐系度 真是好嬲 因为佢系美国 我系香港
其实 我都唔知点讲 想打个长途电话IBD 搵我老豆
HEI is me 你个仔真系好挂住你 啊,真系无面见你
一年一次你都唔记得我 对唔住阿老豆 我真系好傻
我其实应该买个机票 翻去 打个招呼 然后即刻返黎
点解 点解 点解my family is so far away
妈妈 妈妈 如果无咗太阳 我哋会点样
如果无咗风 青草亦失踪
yo yo
shutoff to the sisters the brothers
the mothers the fathers and the others
every single person all in the world
shutoff all the boys and girls
hold your hands hard hard hard
just hold your hands hot
cause cause
it's no needs to have sad or sorrow
if it's rain today
well tommorrow the sun will come out without a doubt
happiness and peace that's what i'm all about
me just mini not no dream
yes you want
that's just me
it's to be so nice and friendly
please please don't forget me
爸爸 爸爸 如果无咗欧阳靖 我哋会点样
如果无咗风 mini就失踪
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun
so much fun 吃个云吞
i say so much fun 吃个云吞
i say so much fun i say 食到手震 fun
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 食到手震
来 各位观众
今晚系好日子 大日子 大日子
点解大日子 happy birthday to mini
今晚大日子 大日子
今晚今晚 点解大日子
点 点 点解大日子
因为happy birthday to mini
happy birthday to you baby gril
I say happy birthday to you gril
今日你生日 我地今晚应该饮得好醉
你阿18 19岁?
唔肯定 真系唔知
正系知道生日快乐to mini
我地今晚一起出去 and have some fun
Jin OuYang 一定请你吃云吞
你想要几多 食几多 我地一齐去玩 上海云吞
happy birthday baby girl oh
say happy birthday baby girl yeah
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 吃个云吞
so much fun 哦 吃个云吞 食到口震 OH!
第1个回答  2008-12-29