请大家帮我翻译一下这道英语题,是后妈给我出的翻成中文啥意思:Yuan Tiangang was born in Badi Jinkun?

Yuan Tiangang was born in Badi Jinkun (Jiangjin), a scholar of Sui Dynasty, and the second son of Yuan Shouyi. Yuan Tiangang was lonely and poor when he was young, but he was fond of reading, good at learning, proficient in skills, and deeply studied physiognomy. In Tang Dynasty, he went to Luoyang to serve as an official at the invitation of his friend Zhang camben. When Yuan Tiangang first arrived in Luoyang, he settled down in Qinghua Fang. At this time, he was famous for his physiognomy prediction, and many people came home to look for it. At that time, Du Yan, Wang Li and Wei Ting came to see yuan Tiangang and asked him to look at him. Yuan Tiangang predicted that Du Yan would be famous for his articles; Wang Yi would be a general of five grades within ten years; Wei Ting would be a military officer with a tiger face. He also predicted that all three people would be demoted and punished after they became officials, and they would meet at that time. In the reign of emperor Wei, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was elected as emperor Wuwei of the Tang Dynasty. When their official suanmianzhun.com career was going smoothly, they did not expect to be relegated to Junzhou together by the court coup. As expected, they met yuan Tiangang again here. Yuan Tiangang met again to predict that "the public and the others will end up expensive", and finally they will have to be officials to the third grade. The future and outcome of the three people have not been proved out of their expectation.At the end of the great cause, the world was in chaos. Yuan Tiangang returned to his hometown and still sold divinations for a living. Dou GUI, an important official of the early Tang Dynasty, visited Deyang during this period. At this time, he was still very down and out, and Yuan Tiangang happened to be in Deyang. Dou asked yuan Tiangang to look at him. Yuan Tiangang said, "you have a big, round chin, and the right side of your chin is raised. You must have made great achievements in Liangzhou and Yizhou." Dou GUI said, "if you can make great achievements, I will never forget your great kindness."

袁天罡为隋朝雅士巴地津琨(江津)人,袁守懿次子。袁天纲年少时孤苦贫寒,但他爱读书,好学问,精通技艺,对相术深有研究 ,唐时应友人张柬之邀赴洛阳任资官令。 初到洛阳时,在清化坊安顿下来,此时他以相术预测已是赫赫有名,许多人都来家里找。当时,杜淹、王珪、韦挺三个人来见袁天纲,请他给看相。袁天纲预言杜淹将以文章显贵而名扬天下;王珪不出十年将官至五品;韦挺面相如虎,将出任武官。并预言三人为官后都要遭贬谴,届时大家还会见面。果然在唐高祖武德年间,杜淹以侍御史入选天策学士;由太子李建成举荐王珪当上五品太子中允,韦挺出任武官左卫率。三人正当仕途一帆风顺时,没想到受宫廷政变牵连一起被贬隽州,果然在这里又遇到了袁天纲。袁天纲再次相面预测“公等终且贵”,最后都要官至三品,三人前程及结局后来验证都不出其所料。大业末年 天下大乱,袁天纲返回故乡,依然卖卦为生。初唐重臣窦轨曾于这段时间客游德阳,此时他还很潦倒,而袁天纲恰好也在德阳,窦轨便请托袁天纲给自己看相,袁天纲说:“你前额到发际骨骼隆起,一直连到脑后的玉枕处,你的下巴浑圆肥大,下巴右侧隆起,而且明洁光亮,必定在梁州、益州大树功业 。”窦轨说:“如果真如所说,能成就功业,我定不忘您指点过我的大恩大德。
第1个回答  2020-08-08
第2个回答  2020-08-08