
题号:34 题型:单选题 本题分数:2.00
Who coined the term personal computer? The Oxford English Dictionary says Byte magazine used it first, in its May 1976 issue. But Yale Law School librarian Fred Shapiro decided to do some digging on his own—with help form JSTOR, an online electronic database for academic journals. JSTOR’s arts and sciences archive offers scans of 5 million pages from 117 journals, some dating back 150 years. Using character-recognition software, JSTOR creates searchable files for each document, allowing full-text searches across 15 academic fields. While searching for the origin of personal computer, Shapiro uncovered several competing claims. Stewart Brand, founder of Whole Earth Catalog, says on his Web site that he first referred to a “personal computer” in a 1974 book; and GUI pioneer Alan Kay is said to have used the term in a paper published in 1972. But a search on JSTOR’s general science archive turned up what Shapiro says is the earliest recorded use of personal computer, in the October 4, 1968, issue of Science. The issue contains a Hewlett-Packard advertisement for its new HP 9100A. “The new Hewlett-Packard 9100A personal computer,” the advertisement says, is “ready, willing and able… to relieve you of waiting to get on the big computer.” The $4,900 device—a desktop scientific calculator equipped with magnetic cards—doesn’t seem like much of a computer nowadays. And at 40 pounds, it wasn’t very personal, either. But according to Shapiro, it was the first device to be called a personal computer. The term “personal computer” first appeared ___.
a、in Byte magazine
b、 in a Hewlett-Packard ad in Science
c、in a 1974 book
d、in a paper published by Alan Ka


题号:35 题型:单选题 本题分数:2.00
With a HP 9100A, according to the Hewlett-Packard advertisement, you ___.
a、can easily get on the big computer
b、don’t have to get on the big computer
c、can save a lot of money
d、will be willing and ready to do scientific work

A 根据文中The Oxford English Dictionary says Byte magazine used it first可推断出选答案A

A 根据文中The new Hewlett-Packard 9100A personal computer,” the advertisement says, is “ready, willing and able… to relieve you of waiting to get on the big computer.推断出答案A