

  Nowadays, there has been a hot debate in the public over the issue whether one expect a reward after doing a good deed. Some think it’s human nature to want return if he gives, but other against that help others out of trouble is the basic personal quality, should not be relate with money. For me, I agree the last one.
  First, Good deed is the traditional virtues of the China, which has spread far and wide for thousands years, if everyone hold the idea of “No reward No help”, the spirit of Lei Feng would be disappear.
  Second, good deed belongs to voluntary work; personal interests should not be the purpose of helping others. The actions should be done with our true heart, when it comes to without getting paid, people would not consider unbalance in mind.
  Third, there is old saying goes,” One good return deserves another,” which indicates that helping others sincerely are supposed to result from unexpected rewards, such as the respect from others or a sense of achievement.
  To sum up, No matterdoing good deeds should get returns or not, the most important thing is when others being in trouble, we should to help them without hesitate.
第1个回答  2016-03-04
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