

收集了一下: <声声慢>英语翻译 (三个版本)


Still seeking, however desolate my life is


While the freshly-coming warmth is still blended with the lingering chill, it is the hardest time for me to rest my mind.


Two or three cups of slipslop, can barely drive the iciness of the rushing gale out of my heart.


A bevy of acquainted passing wild geese, render me a sense of sentiment.


Fallen chrysanthemums pile up miserably all over the ground, while those on the branch are withered considerably, waiting for no one to plunk.

守著窗儿, 独自怎生得黑?

Leaning by the window, how long will a solitary person be waiting for the night falling?


The drizzle is penetrating the plane tress, trickling by drippings in the evenfall.


At this moment, I am desperately wondering how a “grief” can convey all my soreness


[许渊冲 译本]

I look for what I miss;
I know not what it is.

I feel so sad, so drear,
So lonely, without cheer.

How hard is it
To keep me fit
In this lingering cold!

Hardly warmed up
By cup on cup
Of wine so dry,
Oh, how could I
Endure at dusk the drift
Of wind so swift?

It breaks my heart, alas!
To see the wild geese pass,
For they are my acquaintances of old.

The ground is covered with yellow flowers
Faded and fallen in showers.
Who will pick them up now?

Sitting alonw at the window, how
Could I but quicken
The pace of darkness which won't thicken?

On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles
As twilight grizzles.
Oh! what can I do with a grief
Beyond belief?

I've a sense of something missing I must seek.
Everything about me looks dismal and bleak.
Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.
Even the weather has proved most unkind.
It is warm, but abruptly it turns cold again.
An unbroken rest most difficult to. obtain.
Three cups of thin wine would utterly fail.
To cope with the rising evening gale.
Myself, into woe, a flight of wild geese has thrown.
But with them, very familiar I have grown.
About the ground, cluysandiernums are bestrewn.
Gathering into heaps--bruised---withering soon.
With myself in utter misery and gloom,
Who cares to save them from their approaching doom?
Standing by the window-watching in anguish stark,
Could I bear alone the sight until it is dark?
Against the tung and plane trees, the wind rises high.
The drizzle becomes trickles, as even draws nigh.
How, in the word "Miserable", can one find-
The total effects of all these on the mind!
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
I look for what I miss,

I know not what it is,

I feel so sad, so drear,

So lonely, without cheer.


How hard is it to keep me fit in this lingering cold!

Hardly warmed up by cup on cup of wine so dry.

Oh! How could I endure at dusk the drift of wind so swift?

It breaks my heart, alas!

To see the wild geese pass, for they are my acquaintances of old.

The ground is covered with yellow flowers faded and fallen in showers.

Who will pick them up now?

Sitting alone at the window how could I but quicken the pace of darkness which won’t thicken?

On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles as twilight grizzles.

Oh! What can I do with a grief beyond belief!!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-26
So dim, so dark,
So dense, so dull,
So damp, so dank,
So dead!
The weather, now warm, now cold,
Makes it harder
Than ever to forget!
How can a few cups of thin wine

Bring warmth against
The chilly winds of sunset?
I recognize the geese flying overhead:
My old friends,
Bring not the old memories back!
Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.
To what purpose
And for whom should I decorate ?
By the window shut,

Guarding it along,
To see the sky has turned so black!
And the dizzle on the kola nut
Keeps on droning:
Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!
Is this the kind of mood and moment
To be expressed
By one word "sad?"
第3个回答  2008-10-30
寻寻觅觅 The Empty Swing
冷冷清清 desolate
凄凄惨惨 still can't move on
第4个回答  2008-10-30
I'm always seeking, cold and cheerless around me, feel lonely and sad
