



Nuwa mending the sky is one of the ancient Chinese myths and legends.


The story of Nuwa mending the sky, like the story of Nuwa making man, is well-known by Chinese people. It is said that in ancient times, the earth collapsed and the world fell into a great disaster.


Nu Wa couldn't bear the disaster, so she smelted five colored stones to make up the sky, broke the feet of God turtle to support the four poles, leveled the flood, killed the beasts, connected Yin and yang to eliminate the adverse Qi, and all spirits were able to live in peace.


Nu Wa is the mother of the Chinese nation, the pioneer of the Chinese nation's humanities, and the God of blessing the country. She kneaded earth to make man, and transformed all things to make heaven and earth no longer silent. She is the Great Mother God handed down from ancient times.


第1个回答  2023-05-01
Nuwa, also known as the Goddess of Creation, is a deity in Chinese mythology. According to legend, she was the creator of human beings and repaired the sky that was damaged in the mythological prehistoric age.
It was said that Nuwa had the body of a snake and the head of a human. She was also depicted as a beautiful goddess with dragon wings. It was said that she used mud to create human beings in her own image, and then breathed life into them to give them souls.
In another myth, it was said that the sky and earth were originally one, but the god Pangu separated them with his mighty strength. However, the sky was too heavy and began to press down on the earth, causing great damage. Nuwa then melted five-colored stones to patch up the sky and save humanity from destruction.
Nuwa was widely worshiped in China, especially by artisans and musicians. She was considered the patron goddess of craftspeople and was often invoked for personal and artistic inspiration.
Overall, Nuwa is a revered figure in Chinese mythology and continues to be an important cultural icon in China today.