
At an orientation meeting, the travelers were told that a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them.

A. a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them
B. they would need a visa, a landing card, and evidence of their being inoculated against typhoid fever
C. they would need evidence of being inoculated against typhoid fever and a visa and landing card
D. they would each need a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever
E. they would need visas, landing cards, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever for each of them
为啥选d,they would each这种说法对吗?

  (1) attempt to 和 try to
  (2) can和potential(ly)
  (3) previously 和 in the past
  (4) accompany 和corresponding
  (5) although和but/yet
  (6) besides 和 also
  (7) increase, rise, raise, grow, double, triple, quadruple, surge和 soar
  (8) at least 和 more/ more than
  (9) be doing/has/have been done 和 continue (现在进行时/现在完成时表示动作一直在持续)
  (10) 现在进行时和under way
  (11) whether 和or not必错
  (2)maybe错may be,probably或perhaps对
  (3)economic本身就是economy的adj.形式 economical是节俭的
  (4)basing on错based on 对 用的时候注意,独立主格对应主语的一致性问题
  (5)同样只能用被动的还有:injuerd(除非是自残行为), born, discharged(被撤职)
  (7)without one’s doing 错without doing/n. 对
  (8)be (about) to do或be going to do表将来错will do对
  A. There being 错
  B. being + adj. / n. 错
  C. n. + being + done 错
  be being done/如human being一样的习惯表达 对
  (11)There be 句型不好,少用;There be + 抽象n. 必错
  (12)which指代一句话,必错;非限定性定语从句“A , which”A不是定从先行词,必错
  A. like + 句子 一定错,应该用as / as if /as though好像,似乎,后边必须+句子
  B. like举例子,一定错,such as 对
  (15)表示“然而”不能用while(while表示“当……时”)可以用but, however等转折词
  (16)that指人 错,who/whom指人 对
  (18)not any错(除非有双重否定),no对
  (19)because of the result of错
  (20)主动改被动,双重否定改成肯定,普通句改成强调句(it is ... that或者倒装),改变only位置,改变情态动词,都是错误的改法
  (1) estimate to do
  (2) distinguish A from B,distinguish between A and B
  (3) the connection between A and B对 the connection of ... 错
  (4) range from … to …,a wide range of
  (5) A is isolated from B对 A is in isolation from B错
  (6) 见from就找to,见between就找and
  (7) consider + 宾语 + 宾补 对 consider + 宾语 + as/ to be + 宾补 错!E.g. I consider Tom as my friend错!
  (8) be known to do sth.对 be known as +头衔、身份 对 be known as + doing sth.错
  (9) worry about sth. 对 worry over sth. 错
  (10)except in 对 except for 错
  (11)just as…so,见just as就找so,找到再看主谓是否一致
  A . can对
  B. be able to do对
  C. has/have the ability to do错
  A. so that + 句子 表达清晰
  B. so as to + do 表达简洁,只要so as to表达清晰则选择so as to
  判断标准:to do动作的发出者和句子的主语相一致
  A. so...that + 句子,前面是复杂句 so difficult that...
  B. such...that such difficulty that...
  C. adj./adv. + enough+ that difficult enough that...
  D. + to do,太……以至于,前面是主系表结构的简单句
  A. not…but… > … rather than…
  B. … rather than…和instead of出现在同一题的各选项中,instead of必错
  A. not only... but also...优选,因为可以用平行结构
  B. besides/also/as well as
  A. at least
  B. more than
  C. more than
  D. at least 不能跟 or more混搭!
  A. be able to do sth.
  B. have the ability to do sth. 无论用adj.还是n.都是+不定式to do sth.
  (7)compare to 比喻,不同类事物
  compare with 比较,同类事物
  A. In contrast with A, B...对. As contrast with 错!
  B. In contrast to A, B...
  C. Unlike A, B...
  (9)禁止:prohibit sb. from doing sth.
  forbid sb. to do sth.
  A. 肯定句:and
  B. 否定句:or
  A. 肯定句
  B. 否定句
  A. 肯定句doubt + whether
  B. 否定句not doubt+ that
  (1) 代词≠一句话
  (2) 相同代词=相同对象 不同代词=不同对象
  (3) this/that作pron.不能裸奔
  GMAT语法错误6、one of + n.单数或复数都+单数v.
  GMAT语法错误7、Each of students has an mp3. Students each have an mp3.
  (1) 有each则宾语必为单数
  (2) Each后面有of,则主语为each,of之后的n.为介宾结构之宾语;
  (3) Each后面没有of,则each为定语,修饰它前面的n.(主语)
  GMAT语法错误8、 The number of students is... A number of students are...
  GMAT语法错误9、 more than… 和 as…as不可混搭,都可接倍数之后,但数字之后只能接more than…
  GMAT语法错误10、 doubt用法:肯定句中 + whether;否定句中 + that
  GMAT语法错误11、 ;之后接句子,不能有引导词
  GMAT语法错误12、 有明确的时间状语,用一般过去时;是事实的内容用一般现在时;
  over/within/during + 一段时间,用现在完成时
  GMAT语法错误13、 expect/expectation/predict/forecast/assume等表示“预期、假设”的词之后的宾语从句必须用虚拟语气:would do,或者用将来时——表示未发生的事情
第1个回答  2008-11-26
they would each是对的,习惯语

C, 同B


第2个回答  2008-11-26
显然是D,they would each,把would去掉看,each 强调的是单位名词,此题就是强调每个人都需要“a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation ”

A项, “a visa, a landing ”的"a"与后面的each对应的话意思不清晰;
B/C项,只要看到这样用“being” 就知道“being” awkward and wordy,所以错!
E项“for each of them”不如“they would each”简要,而且没有“they would each ”强调each的语气强
第3个回答  2008-11-30
they would each后面就用单数了吧。