
LONDON(Reuters)–---British Government anti-smoking posters featuring men and women with fish hooks(钓鱼钩) through their mouths attracted one of the highest numbers of complaints the advertising standards watchdog has ever received. Nearly 800 complaints were made about a series of poster , TV, newspaper and Internet ads which many felt were offensive. And distressing, particularly to children .

It was the highest number of complaints received by the advertising Standards Authority(ASA)since a KFC ad in June 2005 which featured people singing with their mouths full, which reached the highest ever number with 1 ,671.

“The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year. Get unhooked,”the posters reed. The Department of Health had commissioned(授权)the anti-smoking ads in an attempt to shock smokers into breaking the habit.

The Government said it believed people would not be seriously offended by the ads, Particularly because they aimed to protect people from the damaging effects of smoking. It had taken measures to easure the posters would not be placed near schools. Nevettheless,152 people said the posters had upset their children, The ASA unheld those complaints,saying the.posters could easily be seen by children. It did not however consider the ads went against its decency, code(得体原则) .

In a series of TV ads, run by the government, along the “hooked”. theme, men and women were showed being dragged along the floor with a hook inside their cheek.The ASA received 103 complaints from people saying they upset children. The Department of Health had improved the images by ensuring that the hooks were not shown to pierce(穿透) the skin of characters, and around children’s programmes, the ads had been cleared by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre.

LONDON(Reuters)–---British Government anti-smoking posters featuring men and women with fish hooks(钓鱼钩) through their mouths attracted one of the highest numbers of complaints the advertising standards watchdog has ever received. Nearly 800 complaints were made about a series of poster , TV, newspaper and Internet ads which many felt were offensive. And distressing, particularly to children .
伦敦(路透社) --- 广告标准规范的监督机构接到历来投诉量最高之一的是英国政府反吸烟广告中哪些男女嘴上挂有钓鱼钩的海报。有近800个投诉是针对一系列的这种海报、电视、报章和网络广告,很多人认为它令人不快和难受,特别是孩童。

It was the highest number of complaints received by the advertising Standards Authority(ASA)since a KFC ad in June 2005 which featured people singing with their mouths full, which reached the highest ever number with 1 ,671.
这是自2005年6月以来广告标准管理局所接到的最高数量投诉; 当时是接到达1671份投诉肯德基广告中人们含着满嘴食物还在唱歌的广告,那是历来投诉的最高数。

“The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year. Get unhooked,” the posters reed. The Department of Health had commissioned(授权)the anti-smoking ads in an attempt to shock smokers into breaking the habit.

The Government said it believed people would not be seriously offended by the ads, Particularly because they aimed to protect people from the damaging effects of smoking. It had taken measures to easure the posters would not be placed near schools. Nevettheless,152 people said the posters had upset their children, The ASA unheld those complaints, saying the posters could easily be seen by children. It did not however consider the ads went against its decency, code(得体原则) .

In a series of TV ads, run by the government, along the “hooked”. theme, men and women were showed being dragged along the floor with a hook inside their cheek. The ASA received 103 complaints from people saying they upset children. The Department of Health had improved the images by ensuring that the hooks were not shown to pierce(穿透) the skin of characters, and around children’s programmes, the ads had been cleared by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre.
第1个回答  2008-10-20
第2个回答  2008-10-20

这是最高接获的投诉数目由广告标准管理局( ASA )的,因为肯德基的广告在2005年6月该功能的人唱他们的嘴巴充分,达到有史以来最高的数字, 1 , 671 。

他说: “平均吸烟的需要香烟5000年。获取unhooked , “海报芦苇。卫生署已委托(授权)的反吸烟广告,企图冲击吸烟者进入打破了习惯。

政府表示,它认为人民不会受到严重冒犯了广告,尤其是因为它们的目的是保护人民免遭破坏性影响吸烟。它已采取各项措施easure海报不会放在学校附近。 Nevettheless , 152人表示,海报打破了他们的子女,该石油公司unheld这些投诉,称the.posters可以很容易地被看作是儿童。它没有考虑但是广告违背其礼仪,代码(得体原则) 。

在一系列的电视广告,由政府,沿着“上瘾” 。主题,男子和妇女被拖入表明沿地板钩内cheek.The石油公司收到103个投诉人说,他们打破儿童。卫生署改善了形象,确保挂钩没有表现出穿透(穿透)皮肤的特点,和周围的儿童节目,广告已被清理的广播广告间隙中心。
第3个回答  2008-10-20
LONDON(Reuters)–---British Government anti-smoking posters featuring men and women with fish hooks through their mouths attracted one of the highest numbers of complaints the advertising standards watchdog has ever received. Nearly 800 complaints were made about a series of poster , TV, newspaper and Internet ads which many felt were offensive. And distressing, particularly to children .

It was the highest number of complaints received by the advertising Standards Authority(ASA)since a KFC ad in June 2005 which featured people singing with their mouths full, which reached the highest ever number with 1 ,671.
针对该广告投诉数目是广告标准管理局( ASA )自2005年6月肯德基广告后遭受最多投诉的广告。当年肯定的那则广告中描述人们含着满嘴食物唱歌,该广告当时遭到的投诉是有史以来最多的,有1671之多。

“The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year. Get unhooked,”the posters reed. The Department of Health had commissioned(授权)the anti-smoking ads in an attempt to shock smokers into breaking the habit.

The Government said it believed people would not be seriously offended by the ads, Particularly because they aimed to protect people from the damaging effects of smoking. It had taken measures to easure the posters would not be placed near schools. Nevettheless,152 people said the posters had upset their children, The ASA unheld those complaints,saying the.posters could easily be seen by children. It did not however consider the ads went against its decency, code(得体原则) .
政府认为人们不会因为这些广告而感到深受冒犯,尤其是这些广告旨在保户人们不受吸烟危害。它将采取措施以保证这些好报不会被张贴在学校附近。尽管如此,仍然有152个人表示他们的孩子被这些海报给吓到。广告标准管理局( ASA )反驳这些投诉说,海报很容易被孩子看见。但它认为这些广告违反了得体原则。
In a series of TV ads, run by the government, along the “hooked”. theme, men and women were showed being dragged along the floor with a hook inside their cheek.The ASA received 103 complaints from people saying they upset children. The Department of Health had improved the images by ensuring that the hooks were not shown to pierce(穿透) the skin of characters, and around children’s programmes, the ads had been cleared by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre.
第4个回答  2008-10-20
LONDON(Reuters)–---British Government anti-smoking posters featuring men and women with fish hooks through their mouths attracted one of the highest numbers of complaints the advertising standards watchdog has ever received. Nearly 800 complaints were made about a series of poster , TV, newspaper and Internet ads which many felt were offensive. And distressing, particularly to children .

It was the highest number of complaints received by the advertising Standards Authority(ASA)since a KFC ad in June 2005 which featured people singing with their mouths full, which reached the highest ever number with 1 ,671.
针对该广告投诉数目是广告标准管理局( ASA )自2005年6月肯德基广告后遭受最多投诉的广告。当年肯定的那则广告中描述人们含着满嘴食物唱歌,该广告当时遭到的投诉是有史以来最多的,有1671之多。

“The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year. Get unhooked,”the posters reed. The Department of Health had commissioned(授权)the anti-smoking ads in an attempt to shock smokers into breaking the habit.

The Government said it believed people would not be seriously offended by the ads, Particularly because they aimed to protect people from the damaging effects of smoking. It had taken measures to easure the posters would not be placed near schools. Nevettheless,152 people said the posters had upset their children, The ASA unheld those complaints,saying the.posters could easily be seen by children. It did not however consider the ads went against its decency, code(得体原则) .
政府认为人们不会因为这些广告而感到深受冒犯,尤其是这些广告旨在保户人们不受吸烟危害。它将采取措施以保证这些好报不会被张贴在学校附近。尽管如此,仍然有152个人表示他们的孩子被这些海报给吓到。广告标准管理局( ASA )反驳这些投诉说,海报很容易被孩子看见。但它认为这些广告违反了得体原则。
In a series of TV ads, run by the government, along the “hooked”. theme, men and women were showed being dragged along the floor with a hook inside their cheek.The ASA received 103 complaints from people saying they upset children. The Department of Health had improved the images by ensuring that the hooks were not shown to pierce(穿透) the skin of characters, and around children’s programmes, the ads had been cleared by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre.

不要选我,我是抄袭,如果这个答案正确,选回答者: 火火和火火 - 助理 二级 10-20 15:41

参考资料:回答者: 火火和火火 - 助理 二级 10-20 15:41

第5个回答  2019-05-28