帮忙翻译一下这些英语 都是园林专业的英语

1. The urban designer is concerned with the space between buildings in an urban context and also needs to know about both architecture and landscape.
2. Chinese gardens(and their designers)had names,like any other work of art.
3. One of the most important elements of natural spontaneity in landscape design were garden rocks.
4. Chinese landscape designers also had to solve the antagonism of naturalness and style.
5. The creation of a professional landscape plan requires time,training,and talent.
6. Individually the physical design elements of landscape architecture each have their own unique qualities and roles to fulfill in the outdoor environment.
7. Landform is the base of the landscape.It is the one element that supports and unites all the other components of the environment.
8. Plant materials provide the aspect of life in the landscape.
9. Specifications are a listing of the materials,quality standards,and time schedules,required to build a particular landscape.
10. It may also include an expiration date,after which the figures will no longer be honored because of their unreliability.
11. It is the actual landscape that is represented on the paper that is important.
12.The diameter of such a circleapproximates the plant’s spread an maturity.
13.Labels should always be placed in close proximity to where the information is needed.
14.Making a sound analysis of people’s needs requires a thorough questioning of clients.
搞到了10分。 多谢了各位大侠~~~~~~~小弟再次感谢~

1. The urban designer is concerned with the space between buildings in an urban context and also needs to know about both architecture and landscape. 城市市区建筑物之间的空间是城市规划者所关心考虑的,同时他们也须了解建筑学和景观设计.
2. Chinese gardens(and their designers)had names,like any other work of art. 如同其它艺术品一样,中国的每一个园林(和它的设计者们)都有它自己的名字.
3. One of the most important elements of natural spontaneity in landscape design were garden rocks. 假山是景观设计中最重要的天然元素之一.

4. Chinese landscape designers also had to solve the antagonism of naturalness and style. 中国的景观设计者们必须解决自然和创作之间的和谐问题.
5. The creation of a professional landscape plan requires time,training,and talent.专业的景观规划的创作需要时间,相关培训和天赋.

6. Individually the physical design elements of landscape architecture each have their own unique qualities and roles to fulfill in the outdoor environment.单个地讲,景观建筑中的每个实体元素都有其独一无二的特质,并且在整个户外环境中扮演独一无二的角色.

7. Landform is the base of the landscape.It is the one element that supports and unites all the other components of the environment.地形是景观的基础元素, 环境中所有其它的组成部分都是建立在其基础之上并通过它而相互融合的.

8. Plant materials provide the aspect of life in the landscape.植物是景观中的生命元素.

9. Specifications are a listing of the materials,quality standards,and time schedules,required to build a particular landscape.

10. It may also include an expiration date,after which the figures will no longer be honored because of their unreliability.也可以规定一个截止日期,到该日期后承建方将因为他们的不可靠性而丢掉承建合同.

11. It is the actual landscape that is represented on the paper that is important. 很重要的一点是,实际修建的景观和图纸上的必须是一致的.

12.The diameter of such a circleapproximates the plant’s spread an maturity. 这个圆的大小须大致相当于植物长大后扩展开的范围.

13.Labels should always be placed in close proximity to where the information is needed. 在需要提供相关信息的地方,必须在其很近的地方贴上相应的标签.

14.Making a sound analysis of people’s needs requires a thorough questioning of clients.对顾客进行考虑透彻的问卷调查后,方能对人们的需要进行完整的分析人.