

1. 双相情感障碍, previously referred to as "bipolar disorder," is a mental health condition characterized by alternating episodes of depression and mania.
2. The key difference between depression and mania lies in their distinct symptoms. Mania is a state of elevated mood, energy, and activity levels, whereas depression is marked by low mood, lethargy, and a lack of motivation.
3. The onset of bipolar disorder can occur at any age, but it often emerges during the teenage years when individuals are going through significant physical and emotional changes.
4. During adolescence, the body undergoes rapid development, and this period is also characterized by heightened emotional volatility and impulsivity.
5. The combination of these developmental changes and the potential onset of bipolar disorder can lead to complex emotional experiences, making it challenging to differentiate between typical teenage mood swings and the symptoms of the disorder.
6. While the term "teenage" typically refers to the age bracket between 13 and 19 years old, the peak years for experiencing the intense emotions associated with adolescence are often considered to be from middle school to high school.