急求这段文字的英文翻译!!!谢谢!!! 谢天笑,1972年12月8日生于山东淄博,中国摇滚歌手。


谢天笑,1972年12月8日生于山东淄博,中国摇滚歌手。于1990年初开始创作音乐。1994年底为电影《越南姑娘》创作歌曲《你不像》。1995年,离开出家的猎人乐队,1997年与同样来自山东的同乡李明组建了冷血动物乐队, 随后宁夏银川的鼓手武锐入队,三人编制的冷血动物以狂暴的乐风和无以复加的疯狂演出横扫北京摇滚舞台,在当时中国GRUNGE音乐风起云涌的背景下,冷血动物声名鹊起。如今的谢天笑已经是地下之王。

Xie Tianxiao, was born on December 8, 1972, shandong zibo, Chinese rock singer.
In early 1990 began writing music.
At the end of 1994 the Vietnam girl "writing songs for movies." you don't like."
In 1995, leaving his monastic hunter band, and also from shandong province in 1997 formed a cold-blooded fellow li Ming band, then ningxia yinchuan drummer Wu Rui team, three people, compiled by the cold-blooded animals to wild style and produces a crazy performance across Beijing rock stage, at the time China GRUNGE music turbulent background, cold-blooded.
Today's Xie Tianxiao is the king of the underground.追答


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