
70%的同学认为应该减肥 1更漂亮,更迷人 2 更自信
30%的同学认为不应该减肥 1 浪费时间和金钱 2可能会伤害身心健康
根据以上的调查结果写一篇作文,并就此谈谈自己的看法 字数120左右

开头 Recentily I have conducted a survey on whether girls should lose weight among my classmate

Recentily I have conducted a survey on whether girls should lose weight among my classmate.The following is the result.
About 70percent girls thought there is a need to lose weight.Because losing weight can help build a fascinating body ,make them more beautiful andgive them more self-confidence.While the rest 30percent girls disagree on losing weight.They thought it's a waste of time and money that are very important to students as us.What's more,losing weight may do harm to our health.
As far as my opinion is concerned,I think we students should'nt put so much energy on losing weight.We should know clearly what is the key point of students.we should concentrate on our study but not the outlook.
第1个回答  2012-07-21
第2个回答  2012-07-21
Jike Zhang was born on2/16/1988 in Tsingdao, a city in Shandong province in the east of China. He started playing table tennis since he was five and he was chosen to play for his nation in 2003. He has won lots of games. The balls he shot are really powerful and he plays table tennis not only by this, but also by his good strategy. On 5/15/2011, he defated Hao Wang by 4 to 2 in the World Table Tennis Championship to become the new world champion!