
ok here s the deal.. i really appreciated wot u've done for me overthere but dun do any thing more for this trip pls.. i just wanna be there with my friends spending some quality casual time, nd talking about the show, let me put it straight, to be honest it means nothing much to me personally this time.. i see it as a group of artists going there nd i am just one small role among them, especially when being with some artists who r now having much more impact than i do, it is not smart to do sth externally.. i hope u guys understand wot i m saying nd pls pls pls dun take this wrongly, as i said, i am
thankful... nd for sure i am not blaming... but u should know better than others that it is nothing like here... how a singer or artist is seen or treated is totally
different, nd thats a cultural thing, if similar things happen there its gonna be awkward nd i wil get embarrassed as well.. i saw da newspaper nd i am really sorry to let u guys know that i dun like it that way... since u r not in this industry nd there s complexity that u might not be able to understand... i just want u to know that its not da same case... again i really do appreciated all the work, but pls understand me... i dun need any publicity to be given anymore.. i know u ppl r out there supporting me nd i would love to meet u guys at da concert nd maybe take photos sth aftwards... nd thats the way its supposed to
be isnt it.. no sign no mark no watchword no poster not any of that but ur presence nd applause wil do... thx so much if u can understand me.. nd i apologize if these words hv made any of u unhappy or disappointed... i didnt mean to displease anybody especially ppl who like me... i've been there for 7 years nd believe me i know how different things r in nations with totally different cultural backgrounds... so lets make it smooth nd pleasant..

第1个回答  2008-02-11
这里好s成交。 我真正地赞赏了为我完成的wot u've overthere,但是讨债者更做所有事这次旅行pls的。 我什么都不想要在那里与花费不少质量偶然时间, nd的我的朋友谈论展示,让我投入它直接,是诚实的它意味给我个人这次。 我看见它,因为去一个小组的艺术家那里nd我是在他们之中的一个小角色,特别是当是以现在有的r更多冲击比我的有些艺术家,它不是聪明的外表上做sth。 我希望说u的人了解wot我m nd pls讨债者不正当地采取此的pls pls,如同我说,我是
thankful… nd我不肯定责备…,但是u更好比其他应该知道它是没什么象这里…歌手或艺术家怎么被看见或对待完全是
different,是一件文化事的nd,如果相似的事发生那里它去是笨拙nd我wil得到困窘。 我看见da报纸nd我真正地抱歉告诉u人我催讨象那个方式…,因为在这那里产业nd s复杂的u r不u也许不能了解…我要u知道不是它的da同样案件…我真正地再赞赏了所有工作,但是pls明白我… i讨债者需要所有宣传再被给。 我知道那里支持我的u ppl r我会愿意在da遇见u人的nd nd可能采取照片sth aftwards… nd是方式它推测的音乐会
be不是它。 如果u可能明白我,标志没有标记没有口令没有海报不是中的任一张那,而是ur存在nd掌声wil非常不… thx。 nd我道歉,如果这些词hv使其中任一u不快乐或失望…我没有意味使任何人生气象我… 7年在的那里i've nd相信特别是的ppl我我知道不同的事r在国家有完全不同的文化背景…怎么如此让使它光滑的nd宜人
第2个回答  2008-02-11