英语书上说是个倒装句,是怎么倒装的?还有 exist不是不及物动词吗?这里为什么。。。。

beneath the streets of modern cities exists the network of cable required to satisfy needs of inhabitants

该句用了倒装语序:介词短语 + 不及物动词(exsit)+ 主语 (属于完全倒装)

倒装的主要原因是主语太长了:the network of cable required to satisfy needs of inhabitants,其中required to satisfy needs of inhabitants,作定语修饰the network of cable ,相当于定语从句:which is required to satisfy needs of inhabitants.
In the front of the stage stood a famous singer. 台前站着一位明歌星。
On the ground lay a sick goat. 地上躺着一头生病的山羊。
From the distance came a policeman. 远处来了一个警察。
Down the hill fell a big stone. 一块大石头沿着山坡滚下来。
1. 几乎所有表示地点或方位的介词短语,都可以置于句首,后面的不及物动词表示“静态”(前两句)或“动态”(后两句)都可以。
2. 以上所有句子,一般不用进行时态。即便是进行的动作,我们也要使用一般时态表示。

(刘老师 解答)
第1个回答  2012-07-19
beneath(介词,在……之下) the streets of modern cities exists(谓语) the network of cable required(过去式做状语,带着后面的部分修饰the network of cable) to satisfy needs of inhabitants
所以,正常语序是the network of cable required to satisfy needs of inhabitants exists beneath the streets of modern cities 。 exist确实是不及物动词 ,它后面再正常语序下跟了介词beneath追问

