whether 和if,作为“是否”的意思,有什么区别吗?有什么特定用法吗??



I wonder if / whether I can get some advice from you.

Ask him whether / if he can come.


1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用,而if一般不能。如:

正: Let me know whether you can come or not.

误: Let me know if you can come or not.

2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导,而不能用if。如:

正: Whether it is true or not, I can't tell.

误: If it is true or not, I can't tell.

3. whether可以引导带to的不定式,if则不能。如:

正: I don't know whether to accept or refuse.

误: I don't know if to accept or refuse.

4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语,但if不能。如:

正: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.

误: I worry about if I hurt her feelings.

5. whether可以引导从句,作主语、表语或同位语,而if不能。如:

正: It was uncertain whether he would come.

误: It was uncertain if he would come.

正: His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.

误: His first question was if Tom had arrived yet.

正: We must consider the question whether we will take these measures.

误: We must consider the question if we will take these measures.

第1个回答  2012-07-22
if 1. 不能引导在句首的主语从句
2. 不能与or not连用
3. 不能引导介词后的宾语从句
第2个回答  2012-07-22
whether 后面可以接不定式的从句 if不能
1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用,而if一般不能。如:
正: Let me know whether you can come or not.   
误: Let me know if you can come or not.   
2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导,而不能用if。如:   
正: Whether it is true or not, I can’t tell.   
误: If it is true or not, I can’t tell.   
3. whether可以引导带to的不定式,if则不能。如:   
正: I don’t know whether to accept or refuse.   
误: I don’t know if to accept or refuse.   
4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语,但if不能。如:   
正: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.   
误: I worry about if I hurt her feelings.   
5. whether可以引导从句,作主语、表语或同位语,而if不能。如:   
正: It was uncertain whether he would come.   
误: It was uncertain if he would come.   
正: His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.   
误: His first question was if Tom had arrived yet.   
正: We must consider the question whether we will take these measures.  
误: We must consider the question if we will take these measures‘
第3个回答  2012-07-22
用whether 没有错误,因为:
在引导宾语从句时,whether 和if 通可以互换,在ask,care,doub,know,learn,msee,tell,try,wonder等动词之后尤其如此。例如:
I don’t know if/whether I can help you.
 Well,think,and see if the most religious people aren’t those who fell that this life doesn’t gice them all they want.好,你想,那最虔诚的宗教徒,是不是就是那此觉得这现实的人生没有完全满足自己欲望的人?
Whether he lives there,I want to know.
They dicussed whether they should close the shop.他们痔疮了是不是该关掉商店。
The teacher worried about whether he had hurt the girl’s feelings.老师担心他是否伤害了女孩的感情。
  5)句中含有引导条件状语从句的if 时,用whether 不用if,如:
Bill asked whether ,if I got the job,I’d move to York.比尔问如果我得到这份工作是否还要迁到约克。
  6)在现代英语中似乎有一种趋势,即说话人期望得到或估计会得到肯定答复时常用if ,而在对答复时的肯定与否定没把握或不在意时则用whether.例如:
He asked me if he could come.他问我他可不可以来。(暗示he想来)
He asked me whether he should come (or not ).他问我他是否该来。(暗示他对来不来都无所谓)
主语从句位于句首时,用whether 不用if ,本文开关的高考题即属此种情况。再如:
Whether they win or lose is all the same to me.
The question is whether they can cooperate with us.问题是他们能否与我们合作。
The question whether he should come himself or send a substitute must be decided upon,他该亲自来还是派人替他来,这个问题必须定下来。 
Whether the weather is good or bad ,they will set off as they planned.无论天气是好是坏,他们都将按计划启程。
2)whether还可与分词、介词短语构成短语,在句中作让不状语,此时不可用if 来替代whether::
Whether waking or sleeping ,he breathes noisily.他不管是醒着还是睡着了,都是呼呼作声。
We were wondering whether to go today or tomorrow .
7.与or ,or not 连用
  1)whether 侧彼一时“选择”、“怀疑”,所以一些语法家认为只有whether 才可以和or ,or not ,or no连用,构成whether…or,whether…or not等结构,而if则不能用于这些结构。例如:
I don’t know whether I should go away or stay here.
第4个回答  2012-07-22
第5个回答  2012-07-22
当宾语从句为一般疑问句时常用连词:if 和whether,来引导从句。但含有or not时只能用whether