


第1个回答  2013-11-13
One's character and mentality depends on his living environment, the environment can change a person.Now I live in Shanghai, this is a very challenging city.A lot of people come here to work, when I was in the study felt by the people are very hard.The first semester, at that time is not very love learning, often absent, then the final two professional has destroyed.It makes me very sad, feel oneself very disappointing, since I'm here should learn something, it should not be a waste of time.Afterwards, I serious study and even the teacher often praised me.In a positive environment, you will feel more efforts so that you can don't lag behind others, motivated and goal.
可能会有语病。。。 。。。
第2个回答  2013-11-13
Personality and mentality depends on the environment in which he lives, the environment can change a person. Now I live in Shanghai, this is a very challenging city. Many people came here to fight, I feel people are very struggling in this study. The first term, then i do not love learning, often truancy, then the final two professional ahead. It makes me very sad, feel is not good, since they should learn something, should not waste time. Later I learn seriously, even the teacher often praised me. In a positive environment, you will feel much more effort so that you can not lag behind others, more power and target.
第3个回答  2013-11-13
Person's character and mentality depends on his living environment , the environment can change a person . Now I live in Shanghai , this is a very challenging city. Many people come here to work, I am learning in this subject people are very hard . First semester , when not love learning , often absent , then there are two subjects professional end was destroyed . It makes me very sad and felt very disappointing , have come to learn what should and should not waste time . Later I studied , even the teachers are always praising me . In a positive environment where you will feel to be more effort so that you can not lag behind others , more motivated and goals.
第4个回答  2013-11-14
The personality and minds are depend on his envirment ,since it can change a person.
Now i live in shanghai which full of challenges. I have deeply felt the hardworking of people here. I have failed the final exam since i always absented on the first term here. Of course ,it made me very upset.,but it also tell me that i should work hard than before and not waste time anymore. After that , i make a great progress in my study and gain the commendation from the teachers. Only when in the positive envirment ,can you get the motivation to make the progerss.本回答被提问者采纳