

“Please, Sir, I want some more.” Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel.


2.“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”’ …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver’s heart and gave him courage.


3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver’s head; and then to the boy’s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is.

“他说,他指出,连忙向奥利弗头上的图像;然后对男孩的脸。人们生活的副本。眼睛,头,口;每一个功能是相同的。的表达,一瞬间,所以准确而言,该行似乎细微复制以惊人的准确度”……从当先生奥利弗是谁犯错了。 Sometimes, a kind of music, a secluded place of the water, the fragrance of a flower, even the mention of a familiar word, suddenly aroused some vague memories, reminiscent of some life there had not been the scene, they would like a breeze to scatter, as if suddenly wake up to a long parting, happy memories, but the memories alone is contemplating couldn't remember the.
Crying is our God given human nature, but how many people have such a small age will cause in the presence of God poured out tears so reluctantly. It was a cold, gloomy night. In the child's eyes, the stars seem farther from the ground than they see. The wind did not play, the dim shadows cast on the ground, silent, sullen look.
哭是上帝赋予我们的天性——但又有多少人小小年纪就会有如此的理由在上帝面前勉强倾洒出这般泪水。 这是一个寒冷的阴沉的夜晚。在孩子的眼里,星星距离地面也似乎比看到的更过遥远。风未起,昏暗的树影投射在地面上,寂静无声,显得阴气沉沉。
All this, and the countless eyes and smiles, countless thoughts and words, I'd like to record.