

www.3edu.net 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费! www.3edu.net 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! A. at, on B. in, of C. at. of D. in. on ( )3.One shoe is on the floor. Where is ______? A. others B. other one C. the other one D. other ( )4. What would you like ______ ? A. to eat B. eating C. drink D. eat ( )5.—Your English is very good. —__________. A. Thank you B. Do you think so C. No D.I don’t thinks ( ) 6. Could you please ______me your name? A. tell B. speak C. talk D. spell ( )7.—Would you like some meat? —__________. A. Yes, thank you B. Certainly, here you are C. No, please D. No, thanks ( )8.This is Mr Wang’s pen. Please ______. A. give it to him B. give him it C. give it him D. give him to it ( )9.The pen isn’t______. It’s______. ______pen is over there, in the room. A. yours, hers, Your B. your, mine, Your C. his, her, Mine D. mine, his, Him ( ) 10. The trousers look nice. Let me ______. A. put it on B. to put it on C. put them on D. to put on them ( ) 11. How many _______ are there in the picture? A. difference B. dress C. women D. boy ( ) 12. Look! Your son ________ the car. A. mending B. mends C. is mending D. mend ( ) 13. —Are your clothes new or old? —__________. A. Yes, It’s old B. They’re new C. No, they’re old D. Yes, they’re old ( )14.There aren’t ______ birds ______ that tree. A. some, in B. any, on C. any, in D. some, on ( ) 15. —I’d like some rice, ______you? —Rice, too. A. would B. will C. can D. what about 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.There ______ (not be) any milk in the bottle. 2. I want you ______ ( help) me. 3. Let Jim ______ ( take) photos. 4. It’s eight o’clock. We ______ ( have) English classes. 5. Children ______ ( watch) TV every evening. They ______ ( watch) TV now. 四、句型转换。
www.3edu.net 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费! www.3edu.net 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! A.按要求转换。 1. There are some colour balls in the box. (否定句) There ______ ______ colour balls in the box. 2. They are at home. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______they? 3. I’d like a cup of tea. (一般疑问句) ______ ______ ______ a cup of tea? 4. Throw it like that. (否定句) ______ ______ it like that. 5. They sing an English song. (现在进行时) They ______ ______ an English song. B.同义句。 1. Is everything here? ______all ______ ______here? 2. It’s time for school. It’s time______ ______ ______ school. 3. Jim plays football very well. Jim is ______ ______ ______playing football. 4. Whose is this watch? Whose ______ ______ ______? 5. Our school has an old tree. ______ ______ an old tree ______ our school. 6. Do you want to have a try? Do you ______ ______ ______? 7. My watch doesn’t work. There ______something ______ ______my watch. 五、选错。 ( C )l. I can see some apple in the picture. A B C D ( C )2. He and I can here at six. A B C D ( C )3. There are many flowers on the floor. Let’s take it to Jim desk. A B C D ( D )4. I can’t mend the bike. I want many help. A B C D ( D )5. Miss Liu _is_ reading now. We must listen her. A B C D ( B )6. Look ! The girl is swiming in the river behind the hill. A B C D ( D )7. Lily and Kate look the Came. But they aren’t two twins. A B C D ( A )8. Who’s pencil is this? Is it yours or Jim’s? A B C D ( B )9. There are ten glass of milk on the table. Can you see them?
www.3edu.net 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费! www.3edu.net 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! A B C D ( B )10. There is no milk here. I have it for breakfast. A B C D 六、完形填空 A There is 1 nice girl in our class. She is in 2 . She is thirteen 3 . 4 is not tall and she is not short. She is a little fat(有点胖) . She has a round face 5 an apple. She 6 two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big, 7 her ears are small. Her hair is short 8 black, She likes red. She is often 9 red clothes. She likes little animals. She has a little black dog in __10 __ home. ( C )1.A. an B. the C. a D./ ( D )2. A. row five B. Row five C. row Five D. Row Five ( B )3.A.year old B. years old C. old D. years ( D )4.A.He B. she C. he D. She ( C )5.A.at B. of C. like D. on ( C )6. A. have B. is C. has D. are ( C )7.A.and B. so C. but D. or ( A )8.A.and B. with C. but D. no ( A )9.A.in B. at C. with D. on ( C )10.A.she’s B. his C. her D. hers B Mrs Scott and her daughter Jane 1 teachers. They teach 2 the same school. They go to their school 3 car. They go to work 4 8:00 in the morning. They come home at 4:00 5 the afternoon. Sam and 6 sister Ann are students. They go to 7 by bus. They come home at 4:00 in the afternoon. They 8 their homework at home. They 9 TV in the evening. They go to 10 early every night(晚上) . ( C )1.A. is B. am C. are D. be ( D )2.A.with B. on C. by D. in ( B )3.A.on B. by C. in D. at ( C )4.A.by B. on C. at D. in ( A )5.A.in B. at C. on D. by ( D )6.A.their B. one C. hers D. his ( C )7.A.class B. teacher C. school D. home ( B )8.A.watch B. do C. make D. read ( D )9.A.see B. look C. read D. watch ( B )10.A.school B. bed C. work D. class 七、阅读理解 A Tom: Come with me now, and see my father and mother. Come and have some food at my house. Kate: That s very nice! Let s go there, Jim. Jim: Is there a bus from here to your house? Tom: No, there aren’t any buses. But I have my car at the door. Kate: Oh, there’s a black car. Is this car yours, Tom?
www.3edu.net 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费! www.3edu.net 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! Tom: No, it isn’t mine. Mine is red. Jim: Look, there’s a red car over there. I think it’s his. Kate: Is that one yours, Tom? Tom: Yes, it is. Jim: Oh, what a nice car! Tom: It’s time to go now. Jim; OK! Kate, Let’s go. 根据短文内容,判断所给句子的正误,符合对话内容的用“T”表示,不符合对话内容的用“F”表示。 ( T ) 1. Jim and Kate want to go to Tom’s home. ( F )2. There is a bus to Tom’s house. ( T )3. Tom’ s car is a nice red one. ( F )4.The black car at the door is Jim’s. ( T )5. Jim and Kate go with Tom to see Tom’s father and mother. B One Sunday morning Mr Brown and his child. Bill, are in a big shop. Mr Brown wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Brown. Bill likes oranges, so his father buys some oranges for him. Bill also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案: ( B ) 1. Mr Brown goes to a big shop with ______. A. Mrs Brown B. Bill C. his father D. some old people ( A )2. Mr Brown is going to buy a new blouse for_____. A. Bill’s mother B. Bill C. his mother D. himself (他自己) ( C )3 .Bill likes______. A. all the things B. a new blouse C. oranges D. the shop ( D )4. The little boy wants to buy ______ . A. some picture-books B. some colour pencils C. clothes and shoes D. A and B ( D )5. People in the shop are ______. A. old and young B. boys and girls C. men and women D. A and C 八、书面表达,根据首字母填单词 Look at the p hoto1 . Can you s ee2 a boy in it? Yes, he’s r aking3 a bike. A4 the girl?Oh. She is singing 5 u nder 6 a tree. Is t here 7 a bird i n 8 the tree? Y es 9 , there is. What is it doing? L et 10 me see. Oh. It’s singing. 答案: 听力0 一、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 二、l.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 三、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 笔试 一、A: 1. maths 2.empty 3.has 4. Thursday 5.ticket B: 1. babies 2. China 3. broken 4. me 5. carefully
www.3edu.net 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费! www.3edu.net 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! 二、1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.B 14. C 15.D 三、1 isn’t 2.to help 3.take 4.are having 5.watch,are watching 四、A:1. aren’t, any 2.Where are 3.Would you like 4.Don’t throw 5.are singing B: l. Are, the things 2.to go to 3. good at 4.watch is this 5.There is, in 6.want a go 7. is, wrong with 五. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B 六、A: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C B: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B 七、A: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T B: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 八、l. picture 2.see 3.riding 4nging .And 5.si 6.under 7.there 8.in 9.Yes 10. Let
第1个回答  2012-06-12