

"The Little Prince" is a novella written by the French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The story is about a young prince who leaves his small planet to explore the universe and learn about life and humanity.以下是主要人物及其关系介绍:
1. The Little Prince - The main character of the story, the Little Prince comes from a small planet that only houses him and his beloved rose. He is on a mission to search for new friends and learn about life and humanity.
2. The Rose - The Little Prince's only companion on his planet. The rose is proud and attached to the Little Prince, but also somewhat selfish, as she often demands that the Little Prince cater to her needs.
3. The Fox - The Little Prince meets the fox on another planet while exploring the universe. The fox teaches the Little Prince about friendship and the importance of taking responsibility for things.
4. The King - The Little Prince meets the King on yet another planet while exploring. The King is pompous and dictatorial, and he orders the Little Prince to be executed for not following his orders.
5. The Conceited Man - The Little Prince meets the Conceited Man on another planet. The Conceited Man is a self-centered blowhard who is constantly boasting about himself and his achievements.
6. The Snake - The Little Prince meets the snake on another planet. The snake is wise and knowledgeable, and he helps the Little Prince understand the importance of things that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Throughout the story, the Little Prince learns valuable lessons about life, friendship, and humanity while exploring the universe and meeting various characters.
第1个回答  2012-06-17
The little prince
The little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This small book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things. First of all, Innocence of Childhood and love. The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, he decides to explore other planet. The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one of its kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special "because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen" .
The fox teaches the prince "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye "
and on responsibility, ""Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."
第2个回答  2012-06-17