
Registers are special temporary strage locations within the CPU that very quickly accept,store ,and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately. The number and types of registers in a computer vary according to the computer's design.The large the registers,the more data the computer can process at one time.Wordsize is used to refer to the size of a register.

To get data and instructions moving among the various components of system,the computer needs a data bus.The wider the bus,the more data it can move at one time.

The cycle that the computer goes through to fetch and execute one instruction is called the machine cycle. In the instruction cycle part of the machine cycle,an instraction is retrieved from main memory and is decoded in the CPU.The time it takes to do this is called I--time.In the execution cycle ,the instruction is executed and the result is stored.The time this takes is called E-time. An internal clock in the CPU sets the speed of the machine cycle, which is measured in MHz-megahertz,or milions of cycles persecond.

A computer system could not operate without main memory, also called internal memory, primary memory,primary storage ,random access memory(RAM), or simply memory. In general, main memory is used to store a copy of the main software program that controls the genneral operation of the computer; to store a sopy of the business application software you are using; to temporarily store data that has been input from the keyboard or other storage device until it is ready for processing; and to temporarily store data that has been produced as a result of process until it is ready for output or secondary storage.




计算机从获取指令到执行指令,经历这一周的时间叫机器周期. 在指令周期里的一些机器周期,一条指令是从主存储器里检索,并且在CPU里译码的.我们把执行这一过程所花的时间叫做"I--Time".在执行周期里,指令被执行并且其结果被保存.我们把执行这一过程所花的时间叫做"E--Time". 在CPU里有一个内部时钟来设置机器周期的速度,而衡量机器周期速度是用MHz(兆赫兹)或者百万周/秒.

一个计算机系统不能脱离主储存器来操作,它也叫做内存储器,随机存储器(RAM), 或者就简称做存储器. 一般来说, 主存储器用来存放控制计算机常规操作的主要软件程序的复件;去存放一个你正在使用的商务应用软件的复件; 去临时存放从键盘或其它存储设备输入的数据,直到它进入准备处理的阶段; 以及临时存放已经处理的数据结果直到它要准备输出或者要再次存储.