英语动词时态、语态练习题 [悬赏会升级]



1. “I don’t like to travel. ”“Have you ever _____ in an airplane?”
flying b. flew c. flowed d. flown

2. The center of gravity of the human body ______ behind his joint.
located b. locating c. to locate d. is located

3. “Today is very cold, isn’t it?” “Yes, the river is _____ over.”
freezed b. freeze c. frozen d. freezing

4. “What happened in that new area?” “New houses ______ recently over
a. are built b. build c. have built d. have been built

5. “When did you go to work?” “As soon as they came, we ______ to
a. went b. were going c. had gone d. go

6. “Did you wait for him very long?” “Yes, I ______ to bed until five in the
a. did go b. didn’t go c. had gone d. went

7. Perhaps it will be a long time ______ from abroad.
a. when Tom comes
back b. when Tom will come back

c. before Tom comes back d. that Tom comes back

8. Tom ______ mathematics throughout his college life.
a. bored b.
bored with c. was bored d. was bored with

9. ______ that dress when I first saw you at the station?
a. Were you
wearing b. Have you worn c. Did you wear d. do you wear

10.Mr Wu ______ to work by bus every day.
a. has been traveling b. has
traveled c. travels d. is traveling

11. Don’t disturb him. He ______ to the weather forecast.
a. listens
b. is being listened c. has listened d. is listening

12. My English teacher ______ my test.
a. has not yet graded b. has
not yet been graded
c. is not yet to be graded d. is not yet graded

13. We ______ on it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any
a. are being worked b. are working c. have been working
d. have been worked

14. Shanghai ______ on the Huangpu River.
a. stand b. stands c. is
being stand d. has stood

15. “Tell the students to stop shouting. We ______ our essays now.”
write b. have been writing c. are writing d. have written

16. “______ your best? It’s not satisfactory. I’m afraid you will have to do
it again.”
a. Do you try b. Have you tried c. Are you trying d. Have
you been trying

17. Chinese married couple _____ red packets to children and the unmarried
during the Chinese new Year.
a. give b. have been giving c. are
giving d. have given

18. My uncle, Sam,______ manager of the firm.
a. has just made b. is
just being made c. has just been made d. is just made

19. This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.
a. have
gone b. have been gone c. have been going d. are being gone

20. She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.
is doing b. has been doing c. has done d. has been done

21 .I ______ the incident as if it were yesterday.
a. am still to
remember b. have still been remembering
c. am being still
remembered d. still remember

22. I ______ swimming in the river and I always _____ to swim when I
a. am liking/have gone b. am being liked/am going
like/go d. have liked/have been going

23. We have sometimes accidents on this line, but no accidents ______ since
last winter.
a. occur b. have occurred c. have been occurring d. are

24. He _____ on this essay for twenty minutes but he _____ only a hundred
a. has been working/has written b. is working/writes
c. has
worked/has been writing d. works/is writing

25. Elections _______ every four years and Congress meets once a year.
are taken place b. are to be taken place c. took place d. take place

26.______ careless, or you will make mistakes.
a. Be not b. Not be c.
Don’t d. Don’t be

27. The No.8 bus ______ to Chengdu college of Geology, and not to Sichuan
a. are gone b. is being gone c. goes d. are going

28. Oil, exported from Iran to Europe, _____ by tankers.
a. used to be
transported/have been built up
b. used to being transported/have built
c. was used to be transported/had been built up
d. was used to being
transported/will be built up

29. If it ______,the match will be postponed.
a. has been rained b. does
rain c. rains d. is rained

30. As soon as I ______ the tools, I shall begin with the work.
a. have
b. am having c. have been having d. have been had

31. Once you ______ the knack of it, you will have no further
a. shall have b. had had c. are having d. have

32. Every time he ______ me, he is rude to me.
a. will see b. sees c.
is seeing d. is seen

33. John told Mary that he ______ what he was doing during the
a. was just asked b. was just asking c. had just been asked
d. had just asked

34. Now that you _______ , what are you going to do?
a. are being
returned b. have been returning
c. have been returned d. have

35. I started my teaching career at the school. That was more than twenty
years ago, and I ______ there ever since.
a. was b. had been c. will be
d. have been

36. Everything on the earth ______ all the time.
a. is changing b. is
changed c. has changed d. has been changed

37. We ______ fine weather for the past few days.
a. have b. are
having c. have been had d. have been having

38. It ______ every day so far this month.
a. is raining b. rains c.
has rained d. has been rained

39. No one can prove that the earth ______ not round.
a. is being b. is
to be c. is d. has been

40. “There she ______!We needn’t wait any longer.”
a. comes b. has been
come c. has been coming d. is to come

41. The little girl ______ by the drug-pusher to carry drugs into the
a. was made use b. was made used c. was made use of d. was
made used of

42. I shall tell you what he ______ at three o’clock yesterday
a. had done b. would do c. was doing d. had been done

43. By the end of last year they ______ 1,000 machines.
a. turned out b.
had turned out c. would turn out d. had been turned out

44. He was sixty-eight. In two years he ______ seventy.
a. would be b.
was c. had been d. was being

45. How long ago ______ playing football?
a. had you stopped b. would
you stop c. did you stop d. were you stopping

46. Up till then we ______ half the distance.
a. had only covered b.
covered c. would only cover d. would be only covered

47. While I ______ television, the door bell ______.
a. watched/would
ring b. would watch/had rung
c. was watching/rang d. had been
watched/was ringing

48. They ______ with us for the time being.
a. would stay b. will stay
c. have been staying d. will be staying

49. I never dreamed I ______ here discussing state affairs with the other
a. will be sitting b. would be sitting
c. will have
been sitting d. would have been sitting

50. John told us that by the end of the year they ______ together for thirty
a. would have been living b. would have lived
c. would
have been lived d. will have been living

51. The new type of machine ______ the year after next.
a. is going to
turn out b. is going to being turned out
c. is going to have
turned out d. is going to be turned out

52. Large sums of money ______ each year in painting the steelwork of
bridges, ships, and other exposed structures.
a. have spent b. have to be
spent c. have to spend d. spend

53. The police ______ in what the informer reported.
a. interested b.
had interested c. were interesting d. were interested

54. A candidate for the post ______ at the moment.
a. is interviewing b.
being interviewing
c. interviewing d. is being interviewed

55. By the end of last year the railway ______.
a. was being completed
b. would be completed
c. had been completed d. had completed

56. I ______ to visit their country before long.
a. have been invited
b. am being invited
c. had been invited d. shall be invited

57. Theory ______ with practice.
a. must be combining b. must
c. must have been combined d. must be combined

58. He said such a thing ______ to happen.
a. ought to be not
allowed b. ought not to be allowing
c. ought not to have
allowed d. ought not to be allowed

59. She told me that her proposal ______.
a. needed to take into
b. needed to be taken into consideration
c. needed to
be taking into consideration
d. needed to have taken into
第1个回答  2006-03-09