For veectory
1. Veectory is responsible of the raw materials bought and shipment goods to AP, so they must have the incoming and shipment control plans.please, send me them a.s.a.p. For the disc raw material veetory must check the mechanical and chemical properties at least for the first year of production.
2. For each production batch, AP wants receive all the quality certification in advance to the goods shipment.
3. In addition to the normal information(production date, part number, drawing issue, material description , Quantity and Quality acceptance signature),on the box information label Veetory must be put the raw material production date. the raw material production date must be put also on the delivery bill.For this point, Veetory must emit a internal quality role.
4. The sub-supplier doesn't have a Quality System to follow the quality of the production , so Veectory must attend the AP production with their technician to guaranty all checks will be done.
Veectory sub-supplier
1. The sub-supplier must organize the area to store the raw material and other one for the shipment goods.
2. The sub-supplier must organize the check point close the pressing area . In that checking point must be available one checking plan with the right dimension for our parts, callipers, comparators and micrometer.
3. All the checks made during the production must be recorded.
4. All the semi worked material boxes, must be correctly identified to avoid that some phases will be missed.
5. One or two operators must be trained on the AP parts visual and dimensional method checks.
6. Back plate and disc parts must be have the correspondent gauge to check the whole figure/drilling position and calibrate pin Go/Ngo for the hole diameter checking.