

目光与位置 生活如同一个舞台,我们在其中扮演着各个角色。我们都处在一个决定的位置,我们可以调整自己的目光看生活中的位置。

第1个回答  2012-08-16
Eye and position life as a stage, in which we all play a role. We are all in the position of a decision, we can adjust the position of the eyes watching life.
When we made great progress and achievements, let we will look to live more distant - full of hope and mysterious tomorrow, we can feel our shortcomings, continue to struggle, strive for greater progress.
When we meet some frustrations or failures, we decadent sad let we will look to move to live in the past, that is full of struggle and hard yesterday, we can AnCha to the present hardships setbacks insignificant, constantly efforts, never give up.
Maybe we in many trees just after tartar deep grass komatsu, but as a strain komatsu, when life was disrupted by the thorns, we should adjust vision, take a look at those born voldemort grass speared out and his childish scene, we can to their psychological comfort a points. Understanding tartar komatsu from seedlings through the hardships of grass and achievements, we will no longer fear the thorns, but brave upward, strong and unyielding. To break through the thorns of the block, the ideal place to sprint.
When we PengHao from above, we look to the LingYunMu, admire their tall and straight, integrity, tall and majestic momentum soaring into the sky, we will be decided, do a tree LingYunMu, has the integrity awe-inspiring imposing manner, into the piece to belong to own blue sky, constantly expand the width of his life and struggles of the length.
We need to look at life with different eyes. Position is the same, just like we are living in the land of pine. But we use different eyes look at life, think of ourselves, we will be observed the same position of different values and different target, continuously make you confident and motivate yourself brave forward.
Our eyes in to each corners of the life, should hold his own eyes, find a to belong to own goals, make oneself in their position to keep the best state of mind, to their own LanLan sky.
Determine the position of the eyes role, we see in different position is the value of the position is different, the value of life is our life in the position. We want to in life changing the direction of the eyes, that we grasp to the position of the life is. Changing the direction of the eyes, can make us to the life, to own Windows more vast, can make us better grasp oneself life the position, unceasingly enterprising, create beautiful life.
第2个回答  2012-08-17
如果你是翱翔于天际的苍鹰,你就应该把目光投向广阔的蓝天。 如果你是流淌在山中的清泉,就应该把目光投向远方的大海; 如果你是普照在空中的太阳,就应该把目光投向世间的万物。 “酒入豪肠,七分啸成剑气,余下三分化作诗篇,绣口一吐,就半个盛唐。”穿越于时空的隧道中,我听到了诗仙的豪迈的笑声。他是那个时代的英才,能够包容皇帝的“包举宇内,并吞八荒”的雄心,却容不下一位有济世才情,胸怀抱负的才子!几千年前,高力士的手上仍留有羞辱,但我们的诗仙却不愿鼠目寸光地留在翰林院,他把目光投向祖国的大好河山,“且放白鹿青崖间,须行即骑访名山。”我看到了诗仙“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬篙人!”的潇洒,听到他高吟“安能推眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!”李白正是没有把目光拘泥于平俗的仕途上,而把目光投向远方,才成就了他的不凡不俗。 黄沙纷飞的大漠上,一位少女携着橄榄枝走进了匈奴人的营帐。从此老人、小孩子的脸上不再有丧失亲人的痛苦,汉匈的边境也维持了几十年的和平局面。汉元帝仍然失落,怎么大汉的最后一缕馨香,就到了一群蛮子手中?古今有多少诗人为昭君吟唱“公主琵琶幽怨多”,但多情的诗人不知道,昭君的选择是义无反顾的,本是她的初衷。 昭君没有把目光放在侍奉皇帝和争权夺利上,她把目光投向了汉匈之间的和平,她愿意以自己的青春换来两族人民的幸福。从此,青冢便成了汉匈边境中昭示和平的一座里程碑。 阅尽古往今来,多少英雄豪杰把目光投向高处,他们不拘泥于眼前的利益,没有鼠目寸光,他们的远大目光决定了他们永恒的位置。 “人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”这也是古人目光远大的写照。 掩卷深思,鸿鹄与燕雀的区别,正是源于他们各自的目光的远大与否,你是愿做一只鸿鹄泥?还是做寄身于屋檐下的燕雀?