



  (七彩云南 The Rainbow of YUNNAN)李婉君:kim lytton
  1、YUNNAN 云 南
  I came from far away to a magic place in the mountains
  From a distant shore I found a door and walked in
  And now I've made this place my own,for in Yunnan ,I've
  found my home
  Yunnan,land of beauty calling out to me, Yunnan, many
  different nationalites
  Oh the wonder of this province calls my name and I want
  to stay in Yunnan
  从一个沙滩 我走进了这扇门
  现在我熟悉这地方 就在云南 我找到了家
  云南 美丽的地方朝我呼唤云南
  美景奇观呼唤我的名字 我愿意停留在云南
  And no mater where I roam,Yunnan will be my home
  无论我在何方 云南将是我的家


  滇之南有片宝地 野生物美景甲天下
  神奇之地 风光无限 西双版纳
  高山之巅 深谷之中 密林绿色枝头挂
  奇花怒放 百鸟吟唱 西双版纳
  绿色的世界 春光到处洒
  孔雀(大象)皆起舞 万物竞生发
  热带风光 无限美好 西双版纳
  Down in the south of Yunnan . There's a land where the wild things grow
  An exotic place with a beautiful face .Xishuangbanna
  From the mountains to the rivers .To the jungles dense and green
  There's flowers and birds that have never been heard ,
  And it's always green .And it's always warm
  And the plants grow tall.And the peacocks
  And the plants grow tall, And the peacocks
  (elephants )roam
  It's tropical splendor all its own. . Xishuangbanna

  大 理

  Sitting in a café ,sipping my coffee ,watching the parade of people passing by
  Lnderneath the shade of blue green mountains , Erhai lake so very near by
  Lovely kingdom of ancient days, home to a people known as the Bai
  Dali, from the mountains to the towns where the walls are painted white
  Dali, from the marble to the culture and the customs of the Bai
  May the sun and rain bless the fields and towns and smile on the people of white
  坐在路边上 我细品咖啡 看满街的人来去匆忙
  苍山是古城绿色的屏障 美丽的洱海近在身旁
  南诏国雄风犹在 白族人民可爱的家乡
  大理 数不尽民房座座皆白墙
  大理 洱海 苍山 无限民俗与风光
  祝愿大理 年年风调雨顺 白族人民神采风扬
  Take a walk in the ancient city take a stroll on the city wall
  Take a look at the three pagodas standing proud and tall
  漫步在古城大街小巷 登上高高的古城墙
  蓝天下三塔洱海相辉映 美景醉它乡


  1、盛大节日万民同庆 树枝儿把水轻扬
  盛装的傣家姑娘 泼水祝你有安康
  吉祥之水汇成海洋 欢声笑语随风扬
  水桶 脸盆齐泼水 迎来新年好时光
  1、It starts off ceremoniously ,sprinkling water from a leaf
  Graceful girls in lovely gowns , drops of water all around
  Then more and more the water flows ,hear the laughter ,how it grows
  Bucket、basin , use them all ,Happy New Year water fall
  2、江边人们翘首等待 龙舟大赛已开场
  为龙舟赛来加油 锣鼓敲得震天响
  小小荷包丢起来 无限爱意心中长
  快快接住小荷包 爱情深深刻心上
  2、Come to the river see the race , As the dragon boats give chase
  Beat the drum and sound the gong .cheer your favorite team along
  Woven bags fly through the air ,signs of love are everywhere
  Back and forth you see them go ,catch a bag and love will grow.
  3、年年岁岁四月间 风雨无阻尽欢畅
  除时迎新泼水节 男女老少心花放


  Gazing out the window on a bus ride through yunnan
  Blue and white the Yunnan sky ,red and brown the land
  Heading for adventure or just returning home
  I enjoy the changing scenes rolling down the Yunnan roads
  And I say a prayer for a peasants toiling in the fields
  Read the signs, the names of the towns,imagining the life they lead
  I drink in the beauty of each panoramic sight
  The view from my window as we roll along under Yunnan skies
  凝视车窗外 云南美景不胜收
  蓝天之下彩云南 红土无尽头
  无论外出探密 还是归家途中
  沿途风光万千 目不暇接 百看不够
  看田间耕耘 农民多辛苦 我深情祝福
  遥望村庄小镇 田园生活任遐想
  窗外秀色无尽 沿途美景令我心驰神往
  From pineapples in the south ,bananas in the trees
  To mountain ranges in the north with snowy covered peaks
  滇南菠萝喜丰收 香蕉硕果遍地岗
  滇北大雪漫天舞 千山万岭披银装


  Slient rocks, slient stone ,how you came here who can know
  Tell you story ,let me see how this forest came to be
  美石林 美石林 谁知你来自哪里
  告诉我你的故事 告诉这森森历史
  难道是刀劈大山变千峰 这神奇功力来自上苍
  又听说一顽童盗得魔法 移千峰犹如驱赶群羊
  游荡其中阿诗玛仍在 这故事是如此凄婉
  哦 千万年风雨雕琢 造就这石林奇观
  故地重游 待我再来时 我来告诉你
  Is it true that the gods took a mountain And divided it into stone trees
  And I've heard that a boy stole some magic
  And moved the hills like a folck of sheep
  What a bittersweet story is Ashima ,Whose spirit remains in the stones And the scientist say it was water and rain that gave the pillars their form
  But I still believe there's a story Deep in this forest of gray
  And the next time that I come to visit You will hear me say


  群山环抱的地方 美丽的昆明
  矗立在滇池畔 彩云的家乡
  气候宜人 美味佳肴扑鼻香
  无限笔墨 写不尽赞美篇章
  我把欢乐颂歌高唱 美好完园 就是这地方
  为昆明我把颂歌高唱 渡过多年美好时光
  湖光山色秀美 鸟语花香 一年四季百花开放
  我为春城歌唱 愿你幸福吉祥
  Up in the mountains of Yunnan is a city called Kunming
  Close to the shores of Lake Dian , the city eternal spring
  The climate is mild and the food is amazing ,
  Beauty abounds ,oh it's worth celebrating
  I sing of this place and joy that it gives,
  And say with pride "this is where I live"
  I sing of the city of Kunming,my home for so many years
  I sing of the mountains,the lakes and the flowers that grow in the city all year
  I sing of the city of Kunming , the friends who have welcomed me in
  The colorful ways of minority people ,the music and dances they bring
  I sing of the city of spring and celebrate life in Kunming


  Lady ,of the hillside ,waiting alone ,sleeping in stone
  Lady ,are dreaming of the love who will come and bring you home

  湖畔美丽的少女 孤独地把爱人思念
  是否在等待梦中人 来此带你回家园
  冬去春来 万载复千年
  姑娘 你的心上人快到来 亲吻你的睡眼
  唤醒你千年长梦 挽你手带你回家园
  Waiting so long ,through winters and springs,
  But no one comes to share your dreams
  Lady ,of the hillside ,soon he'll arrive , kiss the sleep from
  your eye
  And wake you from your slumber .He'll take your hand and lead you home


第1个回答  2008-02-29

第2个回答  2008-02-26
第3个回答  2008-02-18