初中英语完形填空 请快速回答!!!! One day a poor man was traveling on horseback

One day a poor man was traveling on horseback.About12:00o'clock,he tied his horse to a tree and then sat down to eat somethind.A few minutes later,a rich man came along and tied his horse to the same tree.
"please tie your horse to another tree,"said the poor man."My horse is wild.It will kill yours."
But the rich man said,"I shall tie ma horse as I like !"he tied up his horse and had his lunch nearby.After a moment they heard a terrible _____,the two horses were fighting .they went up to them,but it was too_____.The rich man ’s horse was killed,"See what your horse has done !"cried the rich man."You will have to _____it."And he brought the poor ma before Mr.Know.
Mr.Know asked the poor man some questions.But he made no _____.At last Mr.know said,"This man is dumb(哑巴).He cannot speak."
"Oh,"the rich man shouted _____."He can! He spoke tome when I met him."
"Are you sure ?"asked Mr.know."What did he _____?"
"Hr told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse."
"Oh,"said Mr.know."So he_____you.then can you expect to get money_____him?"
The rich man said nothing and left silently.

one day a poor man was traveling on horseback. at noon, he tied his horse to a tree and then 46 to eat something. a few minutes later, a rich man came along and tied his horse to the same tree.
“please tie your horse to another tree,” said the poor man. “my horse is wild. it will kill yours.”
47 the rich man said, “i shall tie my horse as i like!” he tied up his horse and had his lunch nearby. after a moment they heard a terrible 48 , the two horses were fighting. they went up to them, but it was too 49 . the rich man’s horse was killed. “see what you horse has done!” cried the rich man. “you will have to 50 it.” and he brought the poor man before mr. know.
mr. know asked the poor man some questions. but he made no 51 . at last mr. know said, “this man is dumb. he cannot speak.”
“oh,” the rich man shouted 52 . “he can! he spoke to me when i met him.”
“are you sure?” asked mr. know. “what did he 53 ?”
“he told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”
“oh,” said mr. know. “so he 54 you. then can you expect to get money 55 him? ”
the rich man said nothing and left silently.
46. a. put down b. set down c. sat down d. turned down
47. a. so b. but c. and d. though
48. a. song b. word c. bell d. noise
49. a. late b. slow c. hard d. quick
50. a. pay for b. look for c. wait for d. care for
51. a. idea b. mistake c. money d. answer
52. a. quietly b. angrily c. happily d. heavily
53. a. speak b. tell c. talk d. say
54. a. helped b. thanked c. warned d. ordered
55. a. for b. from c. with d. about
46答案:c 【解析】本题考查词组辨析。a项意为“镇压;制止”;b项意为“看作”;c英意为“坐下”;d项意为“调低”。由语境可知“在中午,他把马拴在树上,然后坐下来吃东西”,只有c项具有“坐下”的意思,故选c。
47答案:b 【解析】由语境可知,这个穷人不让富人把马和他的拴在同一棵树上,但是这个富人却不听穷的话。此处表转折关系,故应填but.
48答案:d 【解析】由下句“the two horses were fighting”可知他们听到了一声可怕的声音。四个项中只有noise意为“声音”。
49答案:a 【解析】由they went up to them 及the rich man’s horse was killed可知,此应为形容词,且表示“晚了”的意思。a项意为“晚了”;b项意为“慢的”;c项意为“困难的”;d项意为“快的”。故选a。
50答案:a 【解析】a 项意为“赔偿”;b项意为“寻找”;c项意为“等候”;d项意为“照顾”。由语境可知,这个富人是想让这个穷人赔偿他已死的马。故选a。
51答案:d 【解析】别人问这个穷人问题,但是他并没有回答。
52答案:b 【解析】a项意为“安静地”;b项意为“生气地”;c项意为“高兴地”;d项意为“沉重地”。联系上下文可知此时富人的状态是“生气在大声喊”,故选b。
53答案:d 【解析】speak强调说话的能力,说某种语言。tell“告诉"。talk 指谈话say 指说的内容,带宾语。句意为“他说的什么内容?”强调说话的内容,故选d。
54答案:c 【解析】此处具有“警告;告诫”的意思。四个选项中只有c具有此意,故选c。
55答案:b 【解析】get from意为“从…处得到…”故选b。
第1个回答  2012-05-20
1.voice 2.late 3.pay off 4.answer 5.out 6.say 7.told 8.from
第2个回答  2012-05-20
sounds 可怕的声音
late 太晚了
pay pay sth
answer made no answer
worn 警告过你
第3个回答  2012-05-20
1.voice 2.late 3.pay for 4.answer 5.out 6.say 7.told 8.from