
1他不喜欢户外活动,因此他的肤色非常苍白.2他沉浸在(be absorbed in)思索之中,眼睛都不眨一下.3当他得知遇到那家公司的拒绝的时候,他整个人都垮了(go to pieces)


1. He doesn't like outdoor sports, so he looks pale.

2. He was so absorbed in his thought that he does not blink at all.

3. He went to pieces when he had the news of being rejected by the company.
第1个回答  2008-03-20
1. He doesn't like outdoor activities and thus he looks rather pale/has a pasty complexion.

2. He was so absorbed in thoughts that he didn't blink at all.

3. He went to pieces the moment he learned that he was refused by that company.
第2个回答  2008-03-20
大魔导的翻译:2.He was so absorbed in his thought that he does not blink at all. 请保持时态一致!!


探花的翻译:1.He doesn't like outdoor activities and thus he looks rather pale/has a pasty complexion.rather 不是“非常”而是“比较”,是弱化而非强化后头的形容词。建议用“very pale”。或者,不用也行。