
It was very hot last week and I have to stay at my grandparents' 1. ____
home so my parents were not at home. My grandparents'house 2._____
was quite old and they used electric fans instead air-conditioners. 3._____
I felt uncomfortably because it was very cool in my home as we 4.____
used air-conditioners. I was not used to use electric fans. 5._____
One day,I decided to spend the afternoon in a neighbor's house as 6.____
I knew they had a air-conditioner.However ,to my surprise,I 7._____
found their air-conditioner was not working it.When I asked 8._____
them how they did that,they told me that the worldwas running 9._______
out of energy and that they wanted do our part to save energy. I was 10.____
deeply touched .They were really making efforts to achieve a great goal.

1. have 改为 had
2. so 改为 because
3. instead 后面加 of
4. uncomfortably 改为 uncomfortable,要用形容词作表语。
5. use (electri fans) 改为 using,在 be used to 后面用动词 -ing 形式,意思是“习惯于......”
6. 此行正确,没有失误。
7. a 改为 an,因为 air-conditioner 是元音开头。
8. it 去掉
9. how 改为 why,问为什么不开空调。
10. they wanted _to_ do _their_ part 这句好像要该两处,第一在 wanted 和 do 之间加人不定式符号词 to,第二把 our part 改为 their part,
第1个回答  2012-09-12
instead+of 固定搭配
uncomfortable 不用副词,feel + adj.而不是adv.形式
used to using 不习惯用,used to do 是过去常常做某事,used to doing 是习惯于某事
a---an 原音开头的名词,定冠词要用an
how ---why.根据语境,我问他们为什么这么做,他们告诉了原因:为世界能源节省做点小贡献,
our----their, 第三人称要保持一致
第2个回答  2012-09-13
1. have to - had to
2. so - because
3. instead - instead of
4. uncomfortably - uncomfortable
5. use - using
7. a - an
8. it去掉
9. how - why
10. wanted - wanted to