
1. 老师、阿姨早上好
2. 中午好
3. 爸爸妈妈再见
4. 请喝水
5. 一个跟着一个走
6. 请小朋友们吃早餐
7. 请小朋友们吃饭
8. 小手放放好
9. 请坐好
10. 不急不急、等等
11. 歌曲的名称叫什么?
12. 一起来跳舞
13. 太阳公公好
14. 鞋子请放好
15. 擦擦小嘴巴
16. 看着自己的名称挂好毛巾
17. 请你跟我拍拍手
18. 一起来玩游戏
19. 早上好
20. 中午好
21. 下午好
22. 再见
23. 起立
24. 坐下
25. 请坐好
26. 小嘴巴不说话
27. 小眼睛看老师
28. 请你跟我拍拍手
29. 请小朋友们上厕所
30. 准备好了吗 ?
31. 下次小心点
32. 再说一遍
33. 不要打人
34. 不要推人
35. 不要在教室里跑来跑去
36. 请排队
37. 等一下
38. 我们再来一次好吗 ?
39. 请小朋友们趴下来休息
40. 快点吃
41. 看谁吃的快
42. 小心点
43. 找你的好朋友,拉拉手
44. 一个跟着一个走
45. 小手扶好
46. 不要吵
47. 请安静
48. 要乖哦!
49. 把嘴巴擦干净
50. 把凳子放整齐
51. 把积木收好
52. 拿杯子喝水
53. 把杯子放好
54. 闭上小眼睛
55. 请盖好被子
56. 小手放在被子里
57. 我就跟你拍拍手
58. 不要说话
59. 把小手洗干净
60. 请小朋友换鞋子
61. 把鞋子放整齐
62. 请到我这边来
63. 不要碰
64. 看谁最乖
65. 把外套脱掉
66. 自己换裤子
67. 有没有尿湿裤子呢?
68. 我们下去玩
69. 你在干什么?
70. 再唱一遍
71. 我们下去做早操
72. 过来垫毛巾

1. Teachers, aunts and good morning
2. Noon good
3. Mom and Dad goodbye
4. Drink water
5. One with a walk
6. Invited the children to eat breakfast
7. Invited the children to eat
8. Release put away small hands
9. Qingzuo good
10. Was not urgent, etc.
11. Song is the name of what?
12. Dance together
13. Solar good father-in-law
14. Shoes please put away
15. Wipe small mouth
16. Seeing their name linked to good towel
17. You told me a pat hand
18. Play games together
19. Good morning
20. Noon good
21. Good afternoon
22. Goodbye
23. Rose
24. Sit down
25. Qingzuo good
26. Small mouths do not speak
27. Small eyes look at the teacher
28. You told me a pat hand
29. Invited the children to the toilet
30. Prepared?
31. Careful next time
32. Repeat
33. Not beating
34. Not pushing people
35. Not in the classroom came forth
36. Please queue
37. Hold
38. Us again please?
39. Invited the children get on the ground to rest
40. Eat fast
41. See who eat fast
42. Careful
43. Find your friends, Lala hand
44. One with a walk
45. Good small handheld
46. Not noisy
47. Quiet please
48. Should be well-behaved!
49. Wiping clean the mouth
50. Neatly put the stool
51. Resumption of the good building blocks
52. Cups with water
53. Put away the cup
54. Small eyes shut
55. Please cover quilts
56. Hand on the small yard
57. Me tell you a pat hand
58. Not speak
59. Small hand wash clean
60. Requested shoes for children
61. Neatly put the shoes
62. Go to my side
63. Not touch
64. Who will Cuoguai
65. Shed the jacket
66. Change their trousers
67. There wets?
68. We continue playing
69. You do?
70. Zaichang again
71. We continue to do morning exercises
72. Towel over pad
第1个回答  2008-02-29
1. Teachers, aunts and good morning
2. Noon good
3. Mom and Dad goodbye
4. Drink water
5. One with a walk
6. Invited the children to eat breakfast
7. Invited the children to eat
8. Release put away small hands
9. Qingzuo good
10. Was not urgent, etc.
11. Song is the name of what?
12. Dance together
13. Solar good father-in-law
14. Shoes please put away
15. Wipe small mouth
16. Seeing their name linked to good towel
17. You told me a pat hand
18. Play games together
19. Good morning
20. Noon good
21. Good afternoon
22. Goodbye
23. Rose
24. Sit down
25. Qingzuo good
26. Small mouths do not speak
27. Small eyes look at the teacher
28. You told me a pat hand
29. Invited the children to the toilet
30. Prepared?
31. Careful next time
32. Repeat
33. Not beating
34. Not pushing people
35. Not in the classroom came forth
36. Please queue
37. Hold
38. Us again please?
39. Invited the children get on the ground to rest
40. Eat fast
41. See who eat fast
42. Careful
43. Find your friends, Lala hand
44. One with a walk
45. Good small handheld
46. Not noisy
47. Quiet please
48. Should be well-behaved!
49. Wiping clean the mouth
50. Neatly put the stool
51. Resumption of the good building blocks
52. Cups with water
53. Put away the cup
54. Small eyes shut
55. Please cover quilts
56. Hand on the small yard
57. Me tell you a pat hand
58. Not speak
59. Small hand wash clean
60. Requested shoes for children
61. Neatly put the shoes
62. Go to my side
63. Not touch
64. Who will Cuoguai
65. Shed the jacket
66. Change their trousers
67. There wets?
68. We continue playing
69. You do?
70. Zaichang again
71. We continue to do morning exercises
72. Towel over pad 这摸多,我很同情你啊!
第2个回答  2008-03-01
1. Teachers, aunts and good morning
2. Noon good
3. Mom and Dad goodbye
4. Drink water
5. One with a walk
6. Invited the children to eat breakfast
7. Invited the children to eat
8. Release put away small hands
9. Qingzuo good
10. Was not urgent, etc.
11. Song is the name of what?
12. Dance together
13. Solar good father-in-law
14. Shoes please put away
15. Wipe small mouth
16. Seeing their name linked to good towel
17. You told me a pat hand
18. Play games together
19. Good morning
20. Noon good
21. Good afternoon
22. Goodbye
23. Rose
24. Sit down
25. Qingzuo good
26. Small mouths do not speak
27. Small eyes look at the teacher
28. You told me a pat hand
29. Invited the children to the toilet
30. Prepared?
31. Careful next time
32. Repeat
33. Not beating
34. Not pushing people
35. Not in the classroom came forth
36. Please queue
37. Hold
38. Us again please?
39. Invited the children get on the ground to rest
40. Eat fast
41. See who eat fast
42. Careful
43. Find your friends, Lala hand
44. One with a walk
45. Good small handheld
46. Not noisy
47. Quiet please
48. Should be well-behaved!
49. Wiping clean the mouth
50. Neatly put the stool
51. Resumption of the good building blocks
52. Cups with water
53. Put away the cup
54. Small eyes shut
55. Please cover quilts
56. Hand on the small yard
57. Me tell you a pat hand
58. Not speak
59. Small hand wash clean
60. Requested shoes for children
61. Neatly put the shoes
62. Go to my side
63. Not touch
64. Who will Cuoguai
65. Shed the jacket
66. Change their trousers
67. There wets?
68. We continue playing
69. You do?
70. Zaichang again
71. We continue to do morning exercises
72. Towel over pad 可以了
第3个回答  2008-02-29