以after school为题写一篇四年级英语作文怎么写?急!!!


After School
After school, I like to play with my friends. We usually play games like tag, hide-and-seek, or soccer. Sometimes we just sit together and chat. We talk about our favorite things, like books, movies, and video games.
After school is also when I do my homework. I always try to finish it quickly so I can have more time to play. When I'm done, I might read a book or practice playing my favorite instrument.
After school is a fun time, but it's also important to use the time wisely. Whether it's playing with friends or doing homework, it's a time to learn and grow.
第1个回答  2023-05-08

After School

I enjoy my time at school, but after school is also a lot of fun. After school, I get to do things that I don't have time for during the day.

Sometimes, I go to the park with my friends. We play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, and run around in the grass. We talk about what we did during the day and make plans for the weekend.

Other times, I go home and read a book or work on a puzzle. I like to challenge myself and see if I can figure out how to solve a tricky puzzle.

If it's a nice day outside, I might ride my bike or go for a walk. It feels good to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

When I get back home, I might help my mom with dinner or do some homework. It's important to stay on top of my schoolwork and finish it before bedtime.

After school is a special time when I can relax and have fun. Whether I'm playing with friends or doing something on my own, I always try to make the most of this time.









第2个回答  2023-06-01
After School
After school, I like to do a lot of things. Sometimes, I play with my friends outside. We like to play tag, hide and seek, and kick the ball around. It’s a lot of fun, and we get to exercise and stay active.
Other times, I like to do my homework right after school. This way, I don’t have to think about it later, and I can relax and play when I’m finished. Sometimes, my mom helps me with my homework, and we get it done quickly.
On Fridays, I have art club after school. We work on different projects, like painting, drawing, and making crafts. I like art club because it’s a fun way to be creative and make cool things. Plus, I get to