
选修 8 Unit 2 测试题
第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.---Do you have any difficulty in understanding my lecture? --,I think.A.None to speak of B.Never mind C.It doesn’t matter D.Nothing serious 2.Dolly the sheep became scientific breakthrough when news that she had been bom was announced. A.the;/ B.the;the C./;/ D.a;the 3.a new bridge was built over the river a young soldier who lost his wife while rescuing a drowing boy. A.in honour ofB.in case of C.in form of D.in favour of 4.The young guy you recommend is too selfish,lazy and too stubborn---,he is far from a competitive candidate. A.together B.merely C.altogether D.even 5.There remains a little doubt among the public the vaccine is safe enough for children. A.that B.whether C.what D.if6.Every passsenger should follow the of the security check before boardingthe plane. A.procedure B.medium C.assumption D.correction 7.It’s obvious that the two flowers in the first picture differ slightly shape andcolour. A.by B.in C.from D.on 8.If you have more patience and confidence,your effort is bound . A.to pay off B.paying off C.being paid off D.to be paid off 9.With the modern techology,comes along the question we should do with so much e-waste. A.how B.when C.what D.however 10.Mary and Linda first met in a library in 2009 they both immediately felt that they each other for years. A.where;knew B.when;had known C.where;were knowing D.when;had been known 11.Bob failed to play football yesterday afternoon because he had his left leg. A.ruined B.bothered C.hurt D.struck 12.The decision hasn’t been made the new school building will be built next term. A.whyB.when C.that D.whether 13. when you grow old enough will you be able to understand why it happens that day. A.Only B.Never C.Hardly D.Seldom

1 D.Nothing serious
3A.in honour of
5 A.that
8A.to pay off
10B.when;had known
第1个回答  2012-07-09
1a2 3a4b5.。。
第2个回答  2012-07-09