marry, married, marriage的用法区别


marry, married 和 marriage 是三个相关但具有区别的英语词:
1. marry 的用法:
• They married at a young age. 他们年轻时就结婚了。
• She married a doctor. 她嫁给了一名医生。
• The king decided to marry the girl. 国王决定迎娶这名女子。
2. married 的用法:
• She is a married woman. 她是个已婚女性。
• Married life means taking more responsibility. 有配偶的生活意味着承担更多责任。
• He prefers married men for the job. 他更青睐已婚男性来做这份工作。
3. marriage的用法:
• They have a happy marriage. 他们拥有一段幸福的婚姻。
• Marriage needs compromise and understanding. 婚姻需要妥协和理解。
• Interracial marriages were prohibited then. 当时不允许种族跨婚。
• marry表示"结婚"这个动作或行为。
• married 是形容词,表示某人已婚的状态。
• marriage 指婚姻或结合,是一个抽象名词。
第1个回答  2022-07-27

  1. marry可以 用作及物动词,表示“娶,嫁,与……结婚”,结构为:

  (1) marry sb 娶某人,嫁给某人

  (2) be / get married 已婚(状态)

  (3) be / get married to sb. 与某人结婚,嫁给某人

  (4) marry one’s daughter to sb. 把女儿嫁给某人


  They got married last week. 他们上周结婚了。

  John is going to marry Miss Lin. 约翰准备娶林小姐。

  Miss Lin is going to marry John. 林小姐准备嫁给约翰。

  She got married to one of her classmates. 她嫁给了她的一位同学。

  She married her daughter to a write. 她把女儿嫁给了一位作家。

  注意不能说: marry with sb. 或be married with sb.

  2. marry也用作不及物动词,表示“结婚”。例如:

  She married young. 她结婚早。

  He married late in life. 他结婚很晚。

  She married not for love. 她并不是因为爱情而结婚的。

  3. marry是非延续性动词,不可同表示一段时间的状语连用,但be married表示的是状态,可以同一段时间状语连用。

  They have married for twenty years. (误)

  They have been married for twenty years. (正)

  It is twenty years since they married. (正)


  (1) 问某人“婚否”,要说:Are you married? / Is she married? 等。

  (2) “未婚”可说:be single

  (3) 问何时结婚:When did you get married? / When were you married?

  4. marriage 名词,表示“婚姻,结婚,婚礼,夫妇生活,密切关系”等含义。

  Their marriage was a very happy one. 他们的婚姻非常美满。

  She has had an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。

  marriage articles 结婚契约

  marriage portion 嫁妆

  The marriage of music and drama in opera. 歌剧中音乐与戏剧的密切关系。

第2个回答  2023-04-17
1. marry可以 用作及物动词,表示“娶,嫁,与……结婚”,结构为:

(1) marry sb 娶某人,嫁给某人

(2) be / get married 已婚(状态)

(3) be / get married to sb. 与某人结婚,嫁给某人

(4) marry one’s daughter to sb. 把女儿嫁给某人


They got married last week. 他们上周结婚了。

John is going to marry Miss Lin. 约翰准备娶林小姐。

Miss Lin is going to marry John. 林小姐准备嫁给约翰。

She got married to one of her classmates. 她嫁给了她的一位同学。

She married her daughter to a write. 她把女儿嫁给了一位作家。

注意不能说: marry with sb. 或be married with sb.

2. marry也用作不及物动词,表示“结婚”。例如:

She married young. 她结婚早。

He married late in life. 他结婚很晚。

She married not for love. 她并不是因为爱情而结婚的。

3. marry是非延续性动词,不可同表示一段时间的状语连用,但be married表示的是状态,可以同一段时间状语连用。

They have married for twenty years. (误)

They have been married for twenty years. (正)

It is twenty years since they married. (正)


(1) 问某人“婚否”,要说:Are you married? / Is she married? 等。

(2) “未婚”可说:be single

(3) 问何时结婚:When did you get married? / When were you married?

4. marriage 名词,表示“婚姻,结婚,婚礼,夫妇生活,密切关系”等含义。

Their marriage was a very happy one. 他们的婚姻非常美满。

She has had an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。

marriage articles 结婚契约

marriage portion 嫁妆

The marriage of music and drama in opera. 歌剧中音乐与戏剧的密切关系。