

1. up
1) 向上(toward or into a higher position)
lift ~ 举起 climb ~ 爬上 come ~ 上升 get ~ 起来 stand ~ 站起来 pick ~ 检起 draw ~ 升起 grow ~ 长大 hand ~ 拖起 put ~ 举起 send ~ 使上升 rise ~ 升起 look ~ 抬起头 zip ~ 拉上 hold ~ 举起 pile ~ 堆起 dig ~ 挖出 take ~ 拿起 build ~ 树立 set ~ 建立
2) 完成,结束(expressing completeness and finality)
finish ~ 完成 drink ~ 喝干 eat ~ 吃光 burn ~ 烧光 wash ~ 洗净 use ~ 用光 fill ~ 装满 pay ~ 付清 settle ~ 解决 lick ~ 甜净 sum ~ 总结, open ~ 透露 end ~ 结束 let ~ 中止, 减少 draw ~ 停止 close ~ 停止,关闭 swallow ~ 吞没 beat ~ 痛打 cover ~ 掩盖 break ~ 结束,分解 wind ~ 结束
3) 离开,消灭(expressing separation and destroy)
break ~ 拆开,驱散cut ~ 切碎 split ~ 分裂 divide ~ 分割 smash ~ 捣毁 blow ~ 炸毁 wither ~ 枯死 tear ~ 撕碎 give ~ 放弃 fold ~ 垮台 dry ~ 枯竭,干涸crack ~ 撞坏 clutter ~ 使散乱 litter ~ 乱丢杂物
4) 增加,变强(to a state of greater activity, force, strength, power and degree.
(1). mount ~ 增加pick ~ 振作,加快pluck ~ 振作 turn ~ 开打,开大, 出现 shake ~ 震惊 steam ~ 使发怒 stir ~ 激起,搅起ease ~ 放松 warm ~ 兴奋 speak ~ 大声说 heat ~ 变热 total ~ 加总 tense ~ 紧张 gather ~ 收集 speed ~ 加速 screw ~ 振作 build ~ 增大 show ~ 显现 cheer ~ 振作起来stir ~ 刺激 work ~ 激动,刺激
(2). 用在带"-en"后缀的动词后(used after the verbs with suffix of -en)
brighten ~ 发亮 fatten ~ 发胖 freshen ~使新鲜 harden ~变硬 sharpen ~ 变快 smarten ~ 变精明strengthen ~ 加强sweeten ~ 变甜 tighten ~ 使紧密 toughen ~ 使强壮soften ~ 变软
5). 变好,改善( as to be better and proper)bring ~ 抚育 check ~ 核对 clear ~ 清理,晴天clean ~ 整理 do ~ 整理 patch ~ 修理 polish ~ 擦亮, 改进light ~ 点亮 tune ~ 调整 tidy ~ 整理 rub ~ 擦亮 train ~ 训练,培养 make ~ 化装, 和解, 弥补buy ~ 囤积 figure ~ 计算 fix ~ 修理,整理 take ~ 从事
6) 关住,锁紧,固定住(firmly, tightly and closely)
shut ~ 关闭 lock ~ 锁住 tie ~ 栓住 chain ~ 锁住 nail ~ 钉住 fasten ~ 系住 pin ~ 钉住 bind ~ 装订 bar ~ 关住 block ~ 堵塞 choke ~ 堵塞 save ~ 存起来 store ~ 贮藏 stock ~ 储存 cover ~ 掩盖 wrap ~ 包住 lay ~ 储存 hold ~ 延误 keep ~ 坚持
7) 向说话人的方向(to the place where the speaker is)
go ~ run ~ rush ~ drive ~ walk ~ catch ~ swim ~ march ~ come ~

2. down
1) 向下的位置(to or into a lower position)
cast ~ 扔下 cut ~砍倒 get ~ 下来 hand ~ 传下来 knock ~ 撞倒 lay ~ 放下 let ~ 放下 pour ~ 倾盆而下 pull ~ 拉下 set ~ 放下 sit ~ 坐下 step ~ 走下来 throw ~ 扔下 turn ~ 拆下 take ~ 取下 blow ~ 吹倒 bring ~ 打倒 hang ~ 垂下 sink ~ 沉落 slip ~ 失足 squat ~ 蹲下 swallow ~ 吞下 stoop ~ 伏身 splash ~ 飞溅而下 touch ~ 降落 bend ~ 弯下 bow ~ 鞠躬 kneel ~ 跪下 lie ~ 躺下 strip ~ 脱下
2) 减少(强度,量和体积)(a decrease in intensity, amount, bulk)
dwindle ~ 减少 die ~ 变弱,逐渐停止go ~ 平静下来 mark ~ 削减 hold ~ 压低 burn ~ (火)减弱, 烧坏slow ~ 慢下来 burn ~ 烧掉 wash ~ 冲淡 clean ~ 弄干净 rub ~ 擦干净 bring ~ 降低 keep ~ 缩减 trim ~ 裁减 water ~ 冲淡 thin ~ 减少 run ~ 用光衰弱 wear ~ 削减,磨损come ~ 下跌 knock ~ 降价
3) 停止,减弱(to a state of less activity, force, strength and power)
close ~ 关闭 drop ~ 突然停止 break ~ 坏了,中止run ~ 停止 settle ~ 平静下来 cool ~ 冷静下来 turn ~ 拒绝 die ~ 停止 lay ~ 失望 put ~ 镇压 4) 紧紧地,牢牢地(firmly, tightly) fasten ~ 系牢 chain ~ 链住,栓住clamp ~ 夹住 nail ~ 钉住 pin ~ 扣牢 hammer ~ 钉上 tie ~ 栓住 bind ~ 捆绑 draw ~ 停下来 5) 写下,记下(on paper or in writing) write ~ 写下 copy ~ 抄下 note ~ 记下 take ~ 记下 put ~ 记下 get ~ 记下 have ~ 写下

3 on
1) 继续(continuously)
carry ~ drive ~ fight ~ hold ~ keep ~ live ~ sleep ~ sing ~ walk ~ go ~ hurry ~ move ~ read ~ follow ~ struggle ~ insist ~ 坚持
2) 连上,固定住,(in or into a state of being connected)
act ~ 对…起作用catch ~ 抓牢 come ~ 跟随 count ~ 依赖 draw ~ 带上,穿上fasten ~ 纠缠,抓牢fit ~ 固定 get ~ 接近 paste ~ 粘住 turn ~ 打开 switch ~ 打开 pin ~ 钉住 put ~ 穿上 try ~ 试穿 pull ~ 穿上 hang ~ 不挂断 build ~ 建立于 leave ~ 留住 take ~ 穿下 rely ~ 依靠 depend ~ 依靠
3) 向前,向上(forward, onward)
add ~ 加上 mark ~ 标上 paint ~ 漆上 press ~ 向前 pass ~ 传递 send ~ 转送 stamp ~ 盖章于 get ~ 上车 hand ~ 传送
4) 开始某活动(in or into an active operation)
work ~ 从事 fall ~ 攻击 hit ~ 突然向起 bring ~ 引起 get ~ 取得进展 look ~ 旁观, 观看call ~ 拜访 figure ~ 打算,希望 fix ~ 决心 get ~ 进步, 友好相处pick ~ 批评 plan ~ 打算 decide ~ 决定 reflect ~ 思考, 反思remark ~ 评论,议论settle ~ 决定 spur ~ 鼓励 urge ~ 督促

4. off
1) 离开(indicating departure)blow ~ 吹掉 drive ~ 击退 get ~ 下车,动身lift ~ 离开地面 make ~ 逃走 move ~ 离去 pack ~ 打发走 see ~ 送行 ship ~ 运往 start ~ 动身 send ~ 送行,解雇call ~ 叫走 let ~ 放出 take ~ 起飞 touch ~ 发射 give ~ 发出 clear ~ 走开 carry ~ 夺走
2) 去掉,断开(indicating removal or disconnection)
cut ~ 切断 tear ~ 扯掉 take ~ 拿走 chip ~ 切下 come ~ 脱落 cross ~ 除去 drop ~ 跌落 fall ~ 脱落 flick ~ 弹掉 peel ~ 剥掉 pull ~ 撕开 rub ~ 擦掉 scrape ~ 挂去 shave ~ 剃去 wash ~ 洗掉 shake ~ 抖落 throw ~ 扔开 rip ~ 扯开 turn ~ 关掉 strip ~ 脱去 switch ~ 关掉 take ~ 脱掉 shut ~ 关掉 wear ~ 磨损 go ~ 爆炸 break ~ 中断
3) 完成,停止(indicating completion)
finish ~ 结束 pay ~ 付清 break ~ 停止,中断send ~ 结束 leave ~ 停止 pass ~ 终止,停止sign ~ 停止播音 wear ~ 消失, write ~ 注销,购销bring ~ 完成 call ~ 取消 lay ~ 停止, 解雇
4) 着地(down to the ground)
fall ~ 落下 jump ~ 跳下 knock ~ 击倒 slip ~ 滑倒

5. in
1) 进入,向里(into, inside, indoors)
barge ~ 闯入 beat ~ 打进 break ~ 闯入,插嘴breathe ~ 吸入 burst ~ 闯入,打断drop ~ 偶然拜访 fall ~ 跌入 get ~ 插入,收进 knock ~ 打入 lead ~ 导入 let ~ 进入,嵌入 move ~ 迁入 step ~ 走进 settle ~ 迁入 smuggle ~ 偷偷运进cut ~ 插嘴 call ~ 来访 draw ~ (火车)进站intervene ~ 介入 involve ~ 卷入
2) 包围,关闭(to be surrounded, or enclosed)
close ~ 包围,封闭lock ~ 禁闭 shut ~ 关进 wall ~ 围住
3) 加入,记入(to be added, or included)
book ~ 登记 check ~ 签到 count ~ 记入 fill ~ 填入 hand ~ 交上 take ~ 吸收 send ~ 呈交

6. out
1) 向外(away from the inside, outside)
keep ~ 使在外 take ~ 拿出 put ~ 放出,伸出come ~ 长出, bring ~拿出 bar ~关在外 breathe ~ 呼吸出 eat ~ 出去吃 get ~ 弄出 go ~ 出去 lay ~ 摆开,展示lock ~ 关在外面 look ~ 向外看 move ~ 搬出 point ~指出 pour ~ 诉说 pull ~ 拉出 ship ~ 运出 stick ~伸出 spit ~ 吐出 beat ~ 敲出 knock ~ 敲出 dine ~ 外出吃饭 drive ~ 驾车外出 leak ~ 漏出 draw ~ 拉出 see ~ 送出门去 draw ~ 出站 let ~ 放出, 释放
2) 结束,消失,取消(to or at an end, not to be there or not to exist)
burn ~ 烧尽,烧断clear ~ 清除 dust ~ 清除 fade ~ 消失 put ~ 扑灭 run ~ 用完 use ~ 耗尽 give ~ 耗尽 comb ~ 淘汰 kick ~ 逐出 wipe ~ 消灭 die ~ 灭绝 rub ~ 擦掉 blot ~ 除去 blow ~ 吹熄 bleach ~ 漂白 carry ~ 完成,执行leave ~ 省去 see ~ 完成 go ~ 熄灭 come ~ 罢工,结果cut ~ 删去,停止hold ~ 坚持到底 sell ~ 买完 tire ~ 筋疲力尽 wear ~ 磨损
3) 大声(in a loud voice, aloud)
sing ~ cry ~ shout ~ call ~ ,喊,申斥 spell ~ speak ~ scream ~ read ~ yell ~ sob ~ burst ~ 咆哮
4) 分发,传开(to a number of people or in all directions)
give ~ 分发 spread ~ 传开 set ~ 出发 hand ~ 分发 share ~ 分配 divide ~ 分配 call ~ 出动 start ~ 出发 send ~ 发送 break ~ 爆发,逃脱serve ~ 分发口粮 drop ~ 离开,退出
5) 搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)
find ~ 找出 figure ~ 算出,解决make ~ 弄清 count ~ 点清 come ~ 出版,出现catch ~ 看出 carry ~ 完成, bear ~ 证明 bring ~ 发表,说出fill ~ 使完全, 添满write ~ 写出

7. over
1) 向下(downwards from an upright position)
knock ~ 撞倒 turn ~ 翻转 fall ~ 脸朝下跌倒trip ~ 拌倒 bend ~ 伏身 look ~ 从…上面看
2) 自始至终,通过, 重复(from beginning to end, through, again and again)
look ~ 调查 think ~ 考虑 see ~ 查看 run ~ 匆匆看 talk ~ 商量 call ~ 点名 read ~ 读一遍 go ~ 复习 do ~ 重复 glance ~ 浏览 skip ~ 略过 ponder ~ 思考
3) 向上,向外,(indicating motion upwards or outwards)
run ~ 溢出 spill ~ 溢出 boil ~ 因沸溢出 throw ~ 呕吐
4) 经过(from one side to the other, across a space or distance)
jump ~ climb ~come ~go ~swim ~pass ~ walk ~move ~ fly ~run ~
5) 结束,完成(finished, at an end)
get ~ 结束,熬过 stand ~ 延期stop ~ 逗留hang ~ 延期throw ~ 抛弃go ~ 看完 leave ~ 剩下
6) 转变,改变(indicating transference and change)
hand ~ 移交take ~ 接管buy ~ 收买come ~ 过来get ~ 战胜,克服 gain ~ 争取过来win ~ 争取过来 switch ~ 转交turn ~ 变动,交付 make ~ 移交
7)由于 (because of)
cry ~ 因…哭laugh ~ 笑…fuss ~ 因…着急
第1个回答  2008-03-27

1.arrive in/at=get to=reach
2.be fine=be well=be OK
3.be from=come from
4.be in=be at home
5.be full of=be filled with
6.be late for=come late for
7.be on a visit to= visit
8.be able to=can
9.be away=be out
10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
11.be pleased=be glad=be happy
12.buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb
13.be up=get up
14.catch up with=keep up with
15.catch a bus=take a bus
16.catch a cold=have a cold
17.come into=step into
18.come on=come along
19.come down=get down
20.do well in=be good at
21.do the shopping=go shopping
22.drop off=get off
23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
24.have a good time=enjoy oneself
25.fall down=fall off
26.get the telephone=answer the telephone
27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.
30.give a concert=have a concert
31.get on well with sb.=be good to
32.give…a call=give…a ring
33.go down=go along
34.go for a swim=go swimming
35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.
36.go up=go along
37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep
38.have a look (at)=look at
39.have a swim=go swimming
40.have got=have
41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from
42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth
43.hold a meeting=have a meeting
44.hold on=wait a minute
45.hurry up=be quick
46.knock at=knock on
47.last from…to=be from…to
48.like doing sth=like to do sth
49.look out=be careful
50.love to do sth=like to do sth
51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do
52.pay for=spend on
53.prefer…to=like better than
54.ring up=call sb
55.send for sb=ask sb to come
56.show sb sth=show sth to sb
57.take care of=look after
58.take exercise=do sport
59.take a message=leave a message
60.think about=think of
61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself
62.turn off=turn down
63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right
64.walk on=go on
65.walk to=go to …on foot
66.walk along=go along
67.at school=in the school
68.a lot of=lots of
69.a lot=very much
70.a quarter past two=two fifteen
71.at times=sometimes
72.at last=in the end=finally
73.a bit=a little=a few
74.a moment ago=just now
75.at once=right now
76.at noon=in the middle of a day
77.at that moment=at that time=just then
78.at the moment=at the same time
79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office
80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world
81.a moment later=later on
82.after a while=a moment later
83.all the same=all the time
84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible
85.in line=in a queue
86.in the southern part of=in the south of
87.in the day=in the daytime
88.much of China=many places of China
89.more than=over
90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more
91.not far from=near to
92.North China=the north of China
93.of course=certainly
94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of
95.two and a half years=two years and a half



第2个回答  2008-03-28