-able 词源翻译

suffix expressing ability, capacity, fitness, from French, from L. -ibilis, -abilis, forming adjectives from verbs, from PIE *-tro-, a suffix used to form nouns of instrument. In Latin, infinitives in -are took -abilis, others -ibilis; in English, -able is used for native words, -ible for words of obvious Latin origin. The Latin suffix is not etymologically connected with able, but it long has been popularly associated with it, and this has contributed to its survival as a living suffix. It is related to the second syllable of rudder and saddle.

In Latin, infinitives in -are took -abilis, others -ibilis;
It is related to the second syllable of rudder and saddle.


来自法语的后缀,表达能力、才能、素质,源自拉丁语的 - ibilis,-abilis,用于构成动词的形容词形式,来自PIE *-tro-,一个用于构成仪器/乐器名词的后缀。拉丁语中,-are形式的不定式采用-abilis,其它则采用-ibilis;英语中,-able用于本地话,而-ible则用于明显源自拉丁语的词。拉丁语后缀在词源上与能力没有关联联系,但它一直被普遍与之关联,而这一点使其作为一个活的后缀生存/存活下来。它与rudder和saddle第二个音节相关【即'rʌdə的ə和'sædl的l,指-able的读音为-əbl】。
第1个回答  2014-03-24

后缀表达能力,能力,素质,从法国,从L - ibilis,-组培,形成从动词的形容词,从派* TRO,后缀用于构成名词的仪器。在拉丁语中,不定式有了组培,别人ibilis;在英国,能用于本地话,为明显的拉丁词起源可能。拉丁后缀不是词源上的联系与能力,但它一直被普遍与它,这有其生存作为一个活着的后缀的贡献。它是舵和鞍第二音节相关。
