

1. 员工绩效达成的追踪,日报表和月报表的总结。客户保险合同书的审查,客户理赔事宜。
2. 保险费用的催缴。协助业务员完成保单,保险建议书的打印。
4. 考勤统计,入司手续的办理,合同的签订与核查,以及员工离职,晋升的办理。公文的拟订公布,各项费用的报销.

2.各项费用的报销 ,日常英文邮件的写作,办公用品的采购 .

第1个回答  2012-11-12
1. skilled use of enterprise's ERP system and DRP system of distribution, national order of goods distribution, accounted for.
2. JACK and JONES among the seven offices and ordering system of orders, distribution, cargo transfer cargo documents, communication and coordination issues.
3. store sales daily check and system data entry.
4. the month and retailers on account of work of the Office. 5. consistent with the audit process of stock, damage, and so on, with the return return processing.

Emergency treatment. 1. employee performance tracking, daily report and monthly report's summary.
Customer reviews of the insurance contract, customer claim. 2. insurance costs paid.
Assist sales to complete policy, print insurance proposal.
3. the daily mail message, reply, notification arrangements for sectoral meetings and activities of the administrative documents, meeting records. product description of the arrangement, and the reception of visitors. 4. attendance statistics, into the Division of the processing of, contract signing and verification, as well as employee turnover, and promotion process.

Elaboration of documents published, the reimbursement of costs.
1. employee time and attendance, employee work-related processing.
2. the reimbursement of costs, daily mail in English writing, office supply procurement. 3. reception of visitors, daily maintenance of office equipment
第2个回答  2012-11-12
1. skilled use of enterprise's ERP system and DRP system of distribution, national order of goods distribution, accounted for.
2. JACK&JONES ordering system among seven offices and order picking, tally and reduce cargo documents, communication and coordination issues.
3. store sales daily check and system data entry.
4. the month and retailers on account of work of the Office. 5. consistent with the audit process of stock, damage, and so on, with the return return processing.

Emergency treatment. 1. employee performance tracking, daily report and monthly report's summary.
Customer reviews of the insurance contract, customer claim. 2. insurance costs paid.
Assist sales to complete policy, print insurance proposal.
3. the daily mail message, reply, notification arrangements for sectoral meetings and activities of the administrative documents, meeting records. product description of the arrangement, and the reception of visitors. 4. attendance statistics, into the Division of the processing of, contract signing and verification, as well as employee turnover, and promotion process.

Elaboration of documents published, the reimbursement of costs.
1. employee time and attendance, employee work-related processing.
2. the reimbursement of costs, daily mail in English writing, office supply procurement.
3. reception of visitors, daily maintenance of office equipment本回答被提问者采纳