
Nowadays,with the improvement of the people's living standard and every-changing the advance of human civilization,one phenomenon call for people's attention that more and more people choice online shopping.
As a matter of fact everyone has his own reason for his choice.people would like online shopping rather than other's way shopping .To them online shopping is of greather importance in that it can save them time.But not everyone shares the sames opinion.others,hate the online shopping,they think that online shopping sometimes is a cheat,and the low price made people indulge in.
As a university student, I'm concerned if all aspect into the account,online shopping seems to be a wise choice and with the technology develop it will an irresistible trend in modern society.therefore,I suggest that people should careful it if you want pleasure and convenience use the way ,only in this way can we without the concern of being cheated.




第一段call->calls choice->choose every-changing不知道你想表达什么,反正没这个词,也许是everchanging吧,当然不用也是可以的。
第二段would like不好改成perfer to,other‘s way shopping明显有误('s乱用)改成other ways of shopping。To them这么用不好,可以改成it 做形式主语的句子 it is of great importance for them that online shopping can save time. same怎么就加了s,others太笼统不好,用some people更好点,后面加上however顺承更好,the就不要加了。cheat是动词,即使用作名词要可数只能指骗子,可以改成a kind of cheating,the不要乱加,made时态是怎么了,makes啊!后面该用过去分词的倒不用了改成indulged in。
第三段if taking all aspects into account,and之后句式极其混乱,with the technology development it will become an irresistible trend ……
suggest后面should用对了,动词呢?加上be而且careful后面加of,直接去掉use the way前面改成pleasant and convenient service
最后一句话想用倒装,句式对了,但是少动词,can we shop online relaxedly……

第1个回答  2012-11-21
Nowadays,with the improvemence of the people's living standard and every-changing the advance of human civilization,one phenomenon call for people's attention that more and more people choice online shopping.
As a matter of fact everyone has his own reason for his choice.people would like online shopping rather than other's way shopping .To them online shopping is of greather importance in that it can save them time.But not everyone shares the sames opinion.others,hate the online shopping,they think that online shopping sometimes is a cheat,and the low price made people indulge in.
As a university student, I'm concerned if all aspect into the account,online shopping seems to be a wise choice and with the technology develop it will an irresistible trend in modern society.therefore,I suggest that people should careful it if you want pleasure and convenience use the way ,only in this way can we without the concern of being cheated.
第2个回答  2012-11-22
第3个回答  2012-12-03