

Book 4 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBABB 16-20CCBCA 21-25 BCADD 26-30 BBDCD
31-35 CACAC 36-40GFBDC
41-45 CDADC 46-50DBABC 51-55 BABCD 56-60CADBA
61. excited 62.without
63. riding 64.to avoid
65. that / which 66. terribly
67. Before 68.whether
69. a 70.what
71. ... have the best ... the → a
72. ... name was ... was → is
73. ... same grades. grades→ grade
74. ... especial math.
especial → especially
75. ... a lot of from him. 去掉of
76. ... he's honesty. honesty → honest
77. ... trust him complete ...
complete → completely
78. ... always remember ...
remember → remembers
79. ... fun be with. be前加to
80. ... but always ... but→ and
One possible version:
Recently our class had a discussion on thetopic “Should the government promote the use of microbuses?”
Some students agree to promote the use ofmicrobuses. First, they are powered by electricity, which will not causepollution to the environment. Second, it's very convenient for people to go toa place using a rented microbus. Third, microbuses produce little noise.
However, others hold the opposite view.First, the number of the microbuses is limited. Second, it's difficult to findplaces to charge microbuses. Third, they will result in heavier traffic.
As far as I'm concerned, the governmentshould encourage the use of microbuses. After all, the advantages weigh muchmore than the disadvantages.
A篇 (日常活动)
21. B。细节理解题。由第二段的Speak to your best friend before you arrive and ask her to make sureyou don't get left out of the group可知,Alice建议Susan向朋友寻求帮助。
22. C。词义猜测题。由第三段的I think parties get boring及第四段的have a chat with your friends will beat the boredom可知,drag在此意思是“无聊的”。
23. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的Whenever I go to a party, my dad comes to pick me up at 8 pm及最后一段的It feels hard to havedifferent rules from your friends 可知,Anny认为父亲对她太严厉了。
24. D。文章出处题。由全文可知,本文是一个答疑解惑的栏目,所以可能出自于一本杂志。
B篇 (家庭)
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段的With the development of the economy可知,随着经济的发展人们生活富裕了,所以就不重视零钱了。
26. B。推理判断题。由第二段的He had taught me that enough pennies would still get me what Iwanted可知,作者父亲的目的就是让其知道积少成多的道理。
27. B。推理判断题。通过第三段作者叙述自己的父亲丢零钱让自己捡,日积月累就能积攒很多钱的故事可知,父亲是在教育作者。
28. D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的they also knew their dad saw no value in change可知,作者的丈夫并不重视零钱,因此,此处作者是在用pain-in-the-neck来比喻其丈夫把零钱看成是累赘。
C篇 (饮食)
29. C。细节理解题。由第一段的Today, the world's diversity of food crops is quickly decreasing及At seed banks, scientists store theseeds of many different crops可知,种子库是为了保护粮食作物的多样性。
30. D。推理判断题。由第四段中提到的种子库所处环境及其操作流程可知,全球种子库为收集的种子提供了好的环境。
31. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的but it does not cost them any money to store their seeds可知,在斯瓦尔巴全球种子库保存种子是免费的。
32. A。推理判断题。由最后一段的the Seed Vault will be worth way more than it cost可知,Cary Fowler认为斯瓦尔巴全球种子库很重要。
D篇 (科普知识)
33. C。细节理解题。由第一段的He sold his products and then continued with his career as aninventor可知,GarrettMorgan从直发器中也赚到些钱。
34. A。细节理解题。由第二段的One day he saw a traffic accident between a car and a bicycle at abusy crossroads. The problem with the traffic light, he realized, was its poordesign可知,一次交通事故启发了GarrettMorgan。
35. C。细节理解题。由第三段的Morgan invented a new traffic signal that added a “caution” light可知,Morgan发明的交通信号灯多了一个“警告”灯。

36. G。由该空后面的There're more than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants in the United Statesitself ... In most cities, it is not difficult to find hamburgers and pizza可知,快餐在世界上的很多地方都很流行。
37. F。由该空后面的Eating fast food helps working people and students to get back towork as quickly as possible可知,快餐会节省很多时间。
38. B。由该空前面的Perhaps the greatest advantage is the price及后面的cheaper可知,快餐比较省钱。
39. D。由该空后面的Fast food may lead to obesity in the American population可知,快餐会使人发胖。
40. C。由该空后面的I believe that it can be a good thing, as long as可知,快餐既有优点又有缺点,只要别吃太多快餐、合理饮食、加强锻炼就会有健康的身体。

41. C。由上文的If you were to write a report on antelopes, there are lots of placesyou could go for information可知,你可以在图书馆通过影片“了解(learn)”有关羚羊的知识。
42. D。由下文的at the end of many nonfiction books可知,你可以在书的末尾“找到(find)”参考书目。
43. A。由上文的A bibliography is a list of books and magazine articles可知,在有些“文章(articles)”的末尾有参考书目。
44. D。作者在参考书目中标明了其所引用“信息(information)”的来源。
45. C。由下文的It tells you the ... and authors of books or articles ... It tellsyou ...可知,参考书目为人们提供了很多“有用的(useful)”信息。
46. D。由下文的You look at the list of titles可知,参考书目会提供文章的“题目(titles)”。
47. B。48. A。由常识及下文的WildlifeWorld (September 1989)可知,参考书目会提供所参考的书是什么“时间(when)”“出版(published)”的。
49. B。由上文的If you were to write a report on antelopes及下文的Antelopes可知,你要找有关“羚羊(antelopes)”的资料。
50. C。由上文的You're having trouble finding the information you want及下文的then you discover a book可知,在找材料遇到困难的时候碰到一本书。前后两句存在转折关系,故选C项。
51. B。52. A。由下文的Walker,Matilda. “Those AmazingAntelopes.” WildlifeWorld (September 1989), 12-18可知,在书的结尾“注意到(notice)”了“参考书目(bibliography)”。
53. B。“太棒了(Great)”,因为有参考书目所以可以找到相关的书籍了。
54. C。由下文的find the September 1989 issue of Wildlife World可知,去“图书馆(library)”可以找到这本书。
55. D。由下文的the whole article and what do you find可知,“读(read)”完整篇文章后会有所发现。
56. C。由上文的bibliographies at the end of many nonfiction books可知,参考书目在书的“末尾(end)”。
57. A。由上文的A bibliography is a list of books可知,参考书目中列出了很多书,所以你可以找到更多的“书(books)”。
58. D。由上文的If you were to write a report on antelopes可知,你要“写(write)”一篇报告。
59. B。60. A。由上文的Thebibliography tells you where the author of the book可知,列出参考书目是为了称赞你所“用(used)”书籍的“作者(authors)”。

61. excited。考查形容词。由设空处前面的was可知,此处应填形容词,且表示人的状态,故填excited。
62. without。考查介词。由语境可知,人们过马路时不注意车辆,故填without。
63. riding。考查非谓语动词。people与ride之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用riding作后置定语。
64. to avoid。考查非谓语动词。设空处表示目的,故填不定式to avoid。
65. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰basket,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
66. terribly。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词sorry,故填副词terribly。
67. Before。考查连词。由语境可知,在警察说话之前,骑自行车的人就生气地说话了,故填Before。
68. whether。考查连接词。由or not可知填whether。
69. a。考查冠词。fine是可数名词,且此处表泛指,故填a。
70. what。考查疑问词。本句使用了“疑问词+不定式”结构,作discuss的宾语,且设空处表示“什么”,故填what。

1-5 ACBBC 6-10 ACDDA
A篇 (学校生活)
1. A。细节理解题。由第一段的Convincing all teachers and school leaders to allow astudent-operated school to run for a whole term took a lot of work可知,作者在实施这项计划的时候,赢得校方支持这一环节最费周折。
2. C。推理判断题。由第一段的run for a whole term及第二段的could take up a whole term可知,这些学生在这个校中校学习了一个学期。
3. B。细节理解题。由第二段的First, we had ... for each week和which could be anything we wanted可知,这个校中校的学生们所学的知识是建立在他们自己的兴趣基础之上的。
4. B。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,通过这项“独立项目”,学生们都有了很大的进步,该项目也在互联网上获得了广泛的赞誉,所以该项目大获成功。
5. C。写作目的题。作者介绍了他曾经开展的一项实验教育项目。四年前他在母校高中开办了一所学生自主学习的校中校,取得了成功。故选C项。
B篇 (自然)
6. A。段落大意题。第一段将cryptozoology从字形上拆分开向读者介绍了这一领域。
7. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的undiscovered creatures like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot可知,Bigfoot是人类未发现的生物。
8. D。推理判断题。由第三段的there are many areas that people have still not explored, and thatit is in these places that cryptids are likely to be found可知,在人类未探索的地方可能发现新的生物种类。
9. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的But can we be completely sure we know about every animal on Earth?Well, the evidence so far seems to suggest not可知,作者认为神秘生物学有其存在的价值,值得研究。
10. A。标题归纳题。本文介绍了神秘生物学,从文章的论述可知,有的神秘生物确实存在,有的还不知道是否存在,故选A项。