
还有一些需要大家帮助。。 如何用英语说: 请坐、您可以试穿一下、您要穿多大码号的鞋、只能使用人民币、这双鞋子很漂亮(很舒适)。

请坐Have a seat 读[hevəsi(t)] / Sit down please
您可以试穿一下try on please
您要穿多大码号的鞋What size?
只能使用人民币RMB please / RMB only / Only accept RMB
这双鞋子很漂亮Beautiful one / Beautiful shoes / It's Beautiful
这双鞋子很舒适cosy ['kəʊzɪ] / comfortable ['kʌmftəbl] / It's cosy / It's comfortable

这双鞋子很合脚Suitable / It's Suitable

第1个回答  2012-11-18
请坐、您可以试穿一下 please sit down!you can have a try!
您要穿多大码号的鞋? What's the size of your shoes?
只能使用人民币 Only use the RMB
the shoe is beautiful!(Those must be comfortable shoes.)

第2个回答  2012-11-18
请坐 Please sit down.
您可以试穿一下 You can try it on.
您要穿多大码号的鞋 What is your size?
只能使用人民币 Only RMB is preferred.
这双鞋子很漂亮 The shoes are beautiful.
第3个回答  2012-11-18
1. 您要穿多大的鞋/您要穿多大码号的鞋
What would your shoe's size be? (如果太长就说: your shoe size, please?)
2. 请坐
Please have a seat (如果太长就说:please sit) 
3. 您可以试穿一下
You can try it on.
3. 只能使用人民币
We only accept RMB
4. 这双鞋子很漂亮/...
This pair of shoes is very pretty/fashion/comfortable(/comfy)
第4个回答  2012-11-18
please sit down.
you can try it on.
what size shoes do you wear?
cash only.
this pair of shoes are very comfortable.