
第一章节 电影片名翻译在中国的发展
1895年12月28日,电影在法国问世,第二年,这一西方最新的技术成果就传入了中国 .据记载,1986年8月11日,一位法国游客在上海徐园的茶楼“又一村”放映了一部短片,这是电影第一次在中国放映。和在国外放映的情形相同,这部电影是穿插在“戏法”(魔术也可以)、“烟火”等中国民间节目中放映的.后来渐渐的电影在东方这个大都会渐成气候,中国人也开始逐渐的领略到电影的风采.当时在中国放映的影片也同样来自国外,内容都是一些纪录性短片和搞笑的滑稽短片,如<马德里街市》(写成中文就好,这几个电影名)、《西班牙人跳舞》、《黑人吃西瓜》等.到了1905年那个时候,电影在北京已蔚然成风.至此可以说,电影这一艺术和娱乐形式终于落户中国.但是那个时候的电影基本上的都是外国电影,这就避免不了一个翻译的问题,现在就让我们来讲讲关于电影片名翻译的事.
第三章节 电影片名翻译看中外文化的交融


Titles translation of the first chapter of the film in China's development
On December 28, 1895, the film come out in France, the second year, the West on the latest technological achievements into China. According to records, on August 11, 1986, a French tourists in Shanghai, Xu Park restaurant " Yau Yat Tsuen, "a showing of the film, this is the first time in China's film screenings. And in the case of foreign shown the same, the film is interludes in the "tricks" (magic can), "pyrotechnics" and other Chinese civil screening program. Later, the film gradually this metropolis in the east rise climate, the Chinese people have begun gradually the taste of film style. in China was also showing films from abroad, as are records of the funny clips and funny films, such as <Madrid Market "(written in Chinese like, these films ), "Spanish Dance," "blacks eat watermelon." By 1905 that time, the film has become a common practice in Beijing. now can be said, this film art and entertainment form has finally settled down in China. But then the film is basically are foreign films, which can avoid a translation problem, now let usToTalk abouton film titles translated thing.
The third chapter of film titles for translation of Chinese and foreign cultures blend

第一章节 电影片名翻译在中国的发展
1895年12月28日,电影在法国问世,第二年,这一西方最新的技术成果就传入了中国 .据记载,1986年8月11日,一位法国游客在上海徐园的茶楼“又一村”放映了一部短片,这是电影第一次在中国放映。和在国外放映的情形相同,这部电影是穿插在“戏法”(魔术也可以)、“烟火”等中国民间节目中放映的.后来渐渐的电影在东方这个大都会渐成气候,中国人也开始逐渐的领略到电影的风采.当时在中国放映的影片也同样来自国外,内容都是一些纪录性短片和搞笑的滑稽短片,如<马德里街市》(写成中文就好,这几个电影名)、《西班牙人跳舞》、《黑人吃西瓜》等.到了1905年那个时候,电影在北京已蔚然成风.至此可以说,电影这一艺术和娱乐形式终于落户中国.但是那个时候的电影基本上的都是外国电影,这就避免不了一个翻译的问题,现在就让我们来讲讲关于电影片名翻译的事.

The translation read so many examples, we should Titles for Chinese films have some understanding of the translation of it. In the previous translation, the translation is often To Titles translation, but with the different times, the Movie Titles translation also continued to set new requirements. It is no longer a simple translation problems, but require taking into account the feelings of many people.
Chinese culture is the world's one of the most ancient culture, we not only have to know their own culture, but also learning
Other people's culture, movie titles for translation can be seen as a window in the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries on changes
And progress.
The evolution of China's modern culture, update, formation, development is a tortuous and complicated process, the Chinese traditional culture and Western culture Modern collisions, conflicts, feedback, integration is a complex process. It includes not only the people understand the process, the changes in psychological belief, but also the people's social process of practice. While this practice in the translation process, not just simply to translate, but another kind of a culture in the spread of culture. Its efforts of a great many people in need. Integration in the modern world the background of the times and all conditions have not spread perfect circumstances. translators is given us to understand the world stage. translators in these joint efforts, China's translation of the road will move forward step by step.
第1个回答  2007-12-14
Titles translation of the first chapter of the film in China's development
On December 28, 1895, the film come out in France, the second year, the West on the latest technological achievements into China. According to records, on August 11, 1986, a French tourists in Shanghai, Xu Park restaurant " Yau Yat Tsuen, "a showing of the film, this is the first time in China's film screenings. And in the case of foreign shown the same, the film is interludes in the "tricks" (magic can), "pyrotechnics" and other Chinese civil screening program. Later, the film gradually this metropolis in the east rise climate, the Chinese people have begun gradually the taste of film style. in China was also showing films from abroad, as are records of the funny clips and funny films, such as <Madrid Market "(written in Chinese like, these films ), "Spanish Dance," "blacks eat watermelon." By 1905 that time, the film has become a common practice in Beijing. now can be said, this film art and entertainment form has finally settled down in China. But then the film is basically are foreign films, which can avoid a translation problem, now let us来讲讲on film titles translated thing.
The third chapter of film titles for translation of Chinese and foreign cultures blend

The translation read so many examples, we should Titles for Chinese films have some understanding of the translation of it. In the previous translation, the translation is often To Titles translation, but with the different times, the Movie Titles translation also continued to set new requirements. It is no longer a simple translation problems, but require taking into account the feelings of many people.
Chinese culture is the world's one of the most ancient culture, we not only have to know their own culture, but also learning
Other people's culture, movie titles for translation can be seen as a window in the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries on changes
And progress.
The evolution of China's modern culture, update, formation, development is a tortuous and complicated process, the Chinese traditional culture and Western culture Modern collisions, conflicts, feedback, integration is a complex process. It includes not only the people understand the process, the changes in psychological belief, but also the people's social process of practice. While this practice in the translation process, not just simply to translate, but another kind of a culture in the spread of culture. Its efforts of a great many people in need. Integration in the modern world the background of the times and all conditions have not spread perfect circumstances. translators is given us to understand the world stage. translators in these joint efforts, China's translation of the road will move forward step by step.