关于more than的问题

1、请写出more than 表示“多于”意思的例句。

2、除了more than 后面跟名词作宾语时,than是介词之外,是不是rather than,other than,more than,else than,anywhere than中的than都是连词?

3、如果more than 后面跟不定式时,than是什么词?请举例句。谢谢!

1、请写出more than 表示“多于”意思的例句。

* He had called him more than once. 他不止一次给他打电话。
* More than half of the students of our class came to the party. 我们班半数以上的同学都来参加了这次聚会。
* He has been taking pleasure in helping others for more than scores of years. 数十年来他一直都在助人为乐。
* I am more than satisfied with what you have done. 我对你所做的感到十二分的满意。
* There are more than ten people having taken part in the activity. 有10人以上参加了这次活动,
* This food contains more than 36% butterfat. 这种食品乳脂肪含量不低于36%。
* I have more than enough. 我已经吃得太多了。
* Words cut more than swords. 言语比利剑更伤人。


than本身有两种词性:一为介词,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语;二为连词,用来连接与前面相比较的同样词性或结构的成分。more than表示“多于/超过”时,than是介词,而在下述四种情况中,than则是连词。


* He is taller than his brother. (= than his brother is tall的省略)他比他的兄弟长得高。
* I know you better than he (does). (= than he knows you的省略)我比他更了解你。
* I know you better than him. (= than I know him 的省略)我对你比对他更了解。
* Easier said than done. (= It is easier said than it is easy done)说来容易做来难。

2)用于rather, sooner, 之后,表示“与其...宁愿...”

* I'd rather you came tomorrow than today. (= than you came today的省略)我宁愿你于明天来而不是今天来。
* I would rather die than disgrace myself. (= than I disgrace myself的省略)我宁死不受辱。

3)用于 other, else, anywhere 等之后,表示“除...以外”

* She seldom appears other than happy. (= than she appears happy)她总是看起来很幸福。
* There are also schools other than Harvard. (= than there is Harvard)学校也不止哈佛这一家。
* It was none other than Mr. Wang. (= than it is Mr. Wang)不是旁人而正是王先生
* He did nothing else than laugh. (= than he did with a laugh) 他只是笑。
* The present market situation is nothing else than fine. (= than the present market situation is fine)目前市场形势是最好不过的了。
* No one else than he spoke to me the matter. (No one else spoke to me than he spoke to me the matte)这件事只有他对我讲过。

3、than作连词,后面连接的说到底是一个省略的句子,因此,如果more than 后面跟不定式,说明后面是一个省略了与上文重复的主谓结构。如:

* What he wants to ask for is much more than (what he wants) to present with all respect. 他想要索取的大大超过要奉献的。
* To do something is more convictive than to say (it). 做比说更令人信服。

第1个回答  2012-05-05
1.She earns a lot more than I do. 她挣得钱多于我
e.g It was much more than I had expected. 这远比我预想的多得多。
此处than 后面接的是句子,所以是连词
I want to have some juice rather than coffee.我想要果汁,而不是咖啡。
这里rather thanh后面接的是名词,不是句子,所以是介词