
1.A number of art works are believed _____ during World War II.
A. being stolen B. having been stolen
C. to be stolen D. to have been stolen

2.In his pioneering work, David explains how languages come into being, _____ that children
are the driving force.
A. being argued B. having argued
C. arguing D. agued

3.Birdwatching is becoming a popular pastime, with almost 3,000,000 of us _____ in our
fluttering feathered friends.
A. absorbed B. absorbing
C. absorb D. to absorb

4.The course “World Literature” examines the common people found in quality literature
worldwide and _____ a variety of cultural background.
A. introduces B. introducing
C. to introduce D. introduced


1.A number of art works are believed _____ during World War II.
A. being stolen B. having been stolen
C. to be stolen D. to have been stolen
分析:固定句型如It is said that或者是sb./sth is said to be done,believe也是同样的道理,但是这是对过去事情的描述,主语art works 与steal是被动关系,且已经完成,故选择to have been stolen。

2.In his pioneering work, David explains how languages come into being, _____ that children
are the driving force.
A. being argued B. having argued
C. arguing D. agued

3.Birdwatching is becoming a popular pastime, with almost 3,000,000 of us _____ in our
fluttering feathered friends.
A. absorbed B. absorbing
C. absorb D. to absorb

分析:由固定短语be absorbed in sth. 去掉谓语动词be 就可得到答案。

4.The course “World Literature” examines the common people found in quality literature
worldwide and _____ a variety of cultural background.
A. introduces B. introducing
C. to introduce D. introduced


遇到这类问题的话应该首先要分析句子结构,确定动词是作谓语或者不是,如第四题作谓语。如果是非谓语动词的话,如1、2、3,就要确定 主语与谓语之间的关系。是主动还是被动。是对过去的表述还是现在或是将来。进而确定答案。
第1个回答  2012-04-02
1.d 2.c 3.a 4.a
1.be believed to 被人相信 (过去时,且被动)
2.arguing=who is arguing
3.被吸引所以用过去完成时 with +sth + done 独立主格结构
4.and 链接两个短句
第2个回答  2012-04-02
1.A number of art works are believed __B___ during World War II.
A. being stolen B. having been stolen
C. to be stolen D. to have been stolen
believe to do sth,用完成时是因为发生在过去,强调句意
2.In his pioneering work, David explains how languages come into being, ___C__ that children
are the driving force.
A. being argued B. having argued
C. arguing D. agued
arguing 做了伴随状语,是一种状态,一般不用完成时
3.Birdwatching is becoming a popular pastime, with almost 3,000,000 of us ___A__ in our
fluttering feathered friends.
A. absorbed B. absorbing
C. absorb D. to absorb
be absorbed in 被什么吸引固定搭配
4.The course “World Literature” examines the common people found in quality literature
worldwide and __A___ a variety of cultural background.
A. introduces B. introducing
C. to introduce D. introduced

这是一道谓语一致的题 Introduces 和 examines 保持一致 foound是修饰了people 做了people 的定语
第3个回答  2012-04-02
1.B believe 可以跟to 或者 doing .此时是用现在完成时表示已经完成的动作
2.C 表伴随
3.A 表完成
4.A and 连接相同的成分?

个人觉得要注意固定搭配~ 读懂句意~
第4个回答  2012-04-03
,一般要用to have done/have been done的形式。
比如说:I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.
He seems to have caught a cold.
这里谓语动词是be believed,而steal这个动作是发生在谓语动词之前,又是被动,所以用to have been done这种形式。ps:be believed +动词不定式这是个常考的地方,望同学记住。
arguing 做了伴随状语,是一种状态,一般不用完成时
再说一下with结构,表示主动用with sb. doing,被动用with sb. done,如果表示主动和将来(未完成)用with sb. to do.
第四题:A 空缺词introduces和examines并列,作世界文学的谓语 。in a variety of +n. 有多种类的。这个搭配很常见,务必掌握
第5个回答  2012-04-02