



  It was one day morning in May.Xiao Han paid a visit to his friends.On his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.He saw a woman lying on the street,for being hurt in the traffic

  accident.He called the driver to stop right away and sent her to the hospital.Then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact her family.After all,her husband got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to his wife.When he was willing to express his thanks to him,Xiao Han had already gone.


  In fact,they just like regular people like us,very small or very inconspicuous,but they are in an extraordinary position to do extraordinary things.Their helpfulness,honesty spirit left us more is moved and admiration.Their good morality and spirit worth everyone learning behavior.They are our example; our living Lei feng!We should learn the valuable spirit.Carry forward the virtues of the Chinese people!


  Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly. He devoted all thislife into his beloved career as well. I, myself, was totally shocked by his character。

  Such is human nature; people trace the good, water flows to low. Everyone should copy hissprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan “learn from Leifeng, ourdecent idol”, so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than conflict。

  To help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing it. Takemyself as an example. I am the representative of Math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, I would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correctingthem。

  I strongly propose that we shall see a better world if each of us treat Leifeng as our modeland copy his spirit。

1. 好人好事表彰通报范文5篇

2. 为你点赞的话题作文4篇优秀范文

3. 写好人好事的作文4篇

4. 关于好人好事的作文4篇

5. 关于好人好事的优秀作文
第1个回答  2023-06-07

As a child, I was always taught that doing good deeds and being a good person should be at the forefront of my life. It wasn't until I grew up that I truly appreciated the importance of this lesson.

One day, while on my way to work, I saw an elderly woman struggling to cross the street. As cars whizzed past her, she looked petrified and unsure of what to do. Without hesitation, I quickly rushed over to her and offered my hand, guiding her across the road to safety. She thanked me profusely, tears streaming down her face, and I felt a sense of warmth in my heart knowing that I had done something good for someone else.

Another time, I volunteered at a local food bank and spent hours sorting and packing food items for those in need. The grateful expressions on the faces of those who received the food made me realize that even a small act of kindness could make a huge impact on someone's life.

Being kind and helpful doesn't require grand gestures or huge sacrifices. Often, it's the little things that count—the friendly smile, a listening ear, or a simple act of helping someone in need. These actions can go a long way towards making the world a better place.

In conclusion, I have learned that being a "good person" isn't just about following rules or behaving ethically. It is about showing kindness and empathy towards others, and expecting nothing in return. The joy that comes from performing good deeds is reward enough.

重点词汇(Key vocabulary):

- good deed: 好事、善举

- forefront: 前线、最前沿

- elderly: 老年人、年迈的

- struggle: 挣扎、奋斗

- hesitate: 犹豫

- rush over: 匆忙赶到

- guide: 引导、指引

- safety: 安全

- gratitude: 感激、感谢之情

- volunteer: 志愿者、自愿参与的

- food bank: 食品银行(为贫困者提供食物)

- sort: 分类、整理

- grateful: 感激的、感激之情的

- small act of kindness: 微小的善举

- listening ear: 倾听耳朵(能倾听他人心声的人)

- empathy: 同情、共感

- world a better place: 使世界变得更美好

第2个回答  2023-06-15
A Kind-hearted Person and a Good Deed
On my way back home from school, I saw an old lady carrying a heavy bag of groceries. I could tell that she was struggling to carry the bag and looked exhausted. Normally, I wouldn't want to interfere with someone's business or cause any inconvenience, but something inside me felt the need to help.
As I approached the old lady, I introduced myself and offered her help with her groceries. She looked at me, and with a smile, she accepted my offer. I reached out and took the bag, and we started walking slowly towards her house. I could feel the weight of the bag, but I knew that it was nothing compared to the joy of helping someone in need.
During our walk, the old lady shared her life story with me. She told me about her grandchildren and how they only visited her during holidays, and how it was getting harder for her to do simple tasks like carrying groceries. I listened with empathy, and as we came to her doorstep, I realized that my small act of kindness had made a big difference in her life.
As we parted ways, I felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment knowing that I had made someone's day better. Sometimes, the smallest gesture of kindness can have a huge impact on someone's life, and that is what makes us all human. Helping others not only benefits those who receive, but also makes us feel good and contributes to a more compassionate world.
This experience has taught me that helping others is not only a responsibility but also a privilege. I learned that we should always be on the lookout for opportunities to assist people in need. Being a kind-hearted person and performing good deeds not only benefit others but also bring joy and fulfilment to ourselves.
In conclusion, the encounter with the old lady taught me that every day we have a chance to do something good for others. Helping someone in need not only changes their world but also changes ours. We should embrace opportunities to be kind-hearted and perform good deeds, as it will make the world a better place.