帮忙解释一下句子中的成分 就是英语中的 主谓宾 主系表

然后判断出 主语是什么 谓语(系动词)是什么 宾语(表语)是什么 还有句子中的其他成分有什么
拜托了 急需!!
1 They'll study at home on computers.
2 people will live to be 200years old .
3 I'll be able to dress more casually.
4 He thought that computers would never be used by most people.
5 They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.
6 Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.
7 We never know what will happen in the future。

1.主谓结构,主语是they,谓语是will study。at home on computers是两个介词短语作状语。
2.主谓结构,主语是people,谓语是will live。to be 200years old 是补语。
3.主系表结构,主语是I,系动词是will be,表语是able,to dress more casually是补语。
4.主谓宾结构,主语是he,谓语是thought,that computers would never be used by most people是宾语从句。
5.是双谓语的主谓宾结构。主语是they,双谓语是help和do,with the housework是第一个谓语的状语,the most unpleasant jobs是第二个谓语的宾语。
6.主谓宾结构,主语是Some scientists,谓语是believe,that there will be such robots in the future是宾语从句。
7.主谓宾结构,主语是We,谓语是know,never是状语,what will happen in the future是宾语从句。
第1个回答  2009-04-27
1 They'll study at home on computers.
主谓结构:主(they),谓(will study)
地点状语at home ,地点状语on computers

2 people will live to be 200years old .
主谓结构:主(people), 谓(will live)
修饰语修饰动词live: to be 200 years old。

3 I'll be able to dress more casually.
主系表结构:主(I), 谓(will be),
表语(able), 其他(修饰语修饰be able)

4 He thought that computers would never be used by most people.
主谓宾结构:主(He), 谓(thought), 宾语(that computers would never be used by most people)

5 They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.
前一句:主谓结构。主(they), 谓(help), 其他(with the housework状语)
后一句:主谓宾:主(共用一个主语they), 谓(do), 宾语(the most unpleasant job).

6 Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.
主(some scientist), 谓(believe), 宾语(that there wull be such robots in the future)

7 We never know what will happen in the future。
主(we), 谓(know), 宾语(what will happen in the future)