
In the Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck has achieved an interesting contrapuntal effect by breaking the
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narrative at intervals with short, impressionistic passages recorded as though by a motion picture camera moving quickly from one scene
to another and from one focus to another. The novel is a powerful indictment of our capitalistic economy and a sharp criticism of the southwestern farmer for his imprudence in the care of his land. The outstanding feature of the Grapes of Wrath is its photographically detailed, if occasionally sentimentalized description of the American farmers of the Dust Bowl in the midthirties of the twentieth century.
Tom Joad was released from the Oklahoma state penitentiary where he had served a sentence for killing a man in self-defense. He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms. On the way he met Jim Casy an expreacher; the pair went together to the home of Tom’s people. They found the Joad place deserted. While Tom and Casy were wondering what had happened, Muley Graves, a diehard tenant farmer, came by and disclosed that all of the families in the neighborhood had gone to California or were going. Tom’s folks, Muley said, had gone to a relative’s place preparatory to going west. Muley was the only sharecropper to stay behind.
All over the southern Midwest states, farmers, no longer able to make a living because of land banks, weather, and machine farming, had sold or were forced out of the farms they had tenanted. Junk dealers and used-car salesmen profiteered on them. Thousands of families took to the roads leading to the promised land, California.
Tom and Casy found the Joads at Uncle John’s place all busy with preparations to leave for California. Assembled for the trip were Pa and Ma Joad; Noah, their mentally backward son, Al, the adolescent younger brother of Tom and Noah, Rose of Sharon, Tom’s sister and her husband, Connie; the Joad children, Rothie and Winfield, and Granma and Grampa Joad. Al had bought an ancient truck to take them west. The family asked Jim Casy to go with them.
Spurred by handbills which stated that agricultural workers were badly needed in California, the Joads, along with thousands of others, made their tortuous way, in a worn out vehicle across the plains toward the mountains. Grampa died of a stroke during their first overnight stop. And, to add to the general misery, returning migrants told the Joads that there was no work to be had in California, that conditions were even worse than they were in Oklahoma. But the dream of a bountiful West Coast urged the Joads onward.

在路上他会见了吉姆Casy一个expreacher ;两人一起去家汤姆的人。他们发现,在Joad地方荒无人烟。而汤姆和Casy不知道发生了什么事, Muley坟墓,死硬佃农,前来透露,所有的家庭在附近去了加利福尼亚州或去。汤姆的人, Muley说,去了一个相对的位置,以准备西进。 Muley是唯一的佃农留下。所有在南部中西部国家,农民,不再能维持生计,因为土地银行,气象,机械耕作,已出售或被迫离开他们的农场已出租。垃圾经销商和二手车推销员profiteered他们。成千上万的家庭走上通往乐土,加利福尼亚州。


汤姆和Casy发现Joads在叔叔约翰的地方都忙于准备前往加州。组装的访问是巴勒斯坦权力机构和马Joad ;诺亚,他们的弱智儿子落后,铝,青少年的弟弟汤姆和诺亚,木槿,汤姆的姐姐和她的丈夫,康妮的Joad儿童, Rothie和温菲尔德,和格拉玛和Grampa Joad 。铝买了一个古老的卡车把他们西。家庭问吉姆Casy去他们。刺激下传单其中指出,农业工作人员急需的加利福尼亚州, Joads ,随着成千上万的其他人,使他们曲折的道路,在一个破旧的车辆在平原向山区。 Grampa死于中风在第一次过夜停留。

而且,添加到一般的苦难,返国的移民告诉Joads ,没有工作已在加利福尼亚州,条件甚至比他们在俄克拉何马州。但梦想丰富西海岸敦促Joads前进。
第1个回答  2009-04-18
在路上他会见了吉姆Casy一个expreacher ;两人一起去家汤姆的人。他们发现,在Joad地方荒无人烟。而汤姆和Casy不知道发生了什么事, Muley坟墓,死硬佃农,前来透露,所有的家庭在附近去了加利福尼亚州或去。汤姆的人, Muley说,去了一个相对的位置,以准备西进。 Muley是唯一的佃农留下。所有在南部中西部国家,农民,不再能维持生计,因为土地银行,气象,机械耕作,已出售或被迫离开他们的农场已出租。垃圾经销商和二手车推销员profiteered他们。成千上万的家庭走上通往乐土,加利福尼亚州。


汤姆和Casy发现Joads在叔叔约翰的地方都忙于准备前往加州。组装的访问是巴勒斯坦权力机构和马Joad ;诺亚,他们的弱智儿子落后,铝,青少年的弟弟汤姆和诺亚,木槿,汤姆的姐姐和她的丈夫,康妮的Joad儿童, Rothie和温菲尔德,和格拉玛和Grampa Joad 。铝买了一个古老的卡车把他们西。家庭问吉姆Casy去他们。刺激下传单其中指出,农业工作人员急需的加利福尼亚州, Joads ,随着成千上万的其他人,使他们曲折的道路,在一个破旧的车辆在平原向山区。 Grampa死于中风在第一次过夜停留。

而且,添加到一般的苦难,返国的移民告诉Joads ,没有工作已在加利福尼亚州,条件甚至比他们在俄克拉何马州。但梦想丰富西海岸敦促Joads前进。