

  CITY team before the game is half the 1-0 win over, their new boss ray very happy, then please players tea. Interestingly, they all go to the toilet. The boss curious with Steven in, and found them all in pour tea, because bad to drink tea. Ray to tell hilda (sell tea). There, a man said tea bad to drink, hilda rough put the people lifted up and threw it on football box above ~ ray very puzzled and asked: \"since bad to drink, why buy?\" People answer: \"if you don't buy, she will make you drink two bowl of...\" Later the CITY team win, but their goalkeeper Nick foot shot... Hilda guilt, insisted that when goalkeeper. Game that day, hilda march forward courageously, CITY team again win! Wait until Nick feet well later, hilda return to her original occupation, but don't he do tea. There is a special do machine. He is very happy because everyone active buy tea